Requesting money for damages results in a bad review

Level 1
Port Angeles, WA

Requesting money for damages results in a bad review

One time I felt it necessary to ask a guest to reimburse us for damages. As I understand it, this needs to be done within 2 weeks of check-out. The guest then turned around and gave me a scathing review, despite the prior messages saying what a great place it is and how much they enjoyed it. Airbnb would not remove the review. I now have another incident of damage, but I hesitate to make a claim because of the danger of getting a bad review.


I could wait until the guest leaves a review, but not all guests do so. How does a host make a claim without risking their near 5-Star rating? I tried to communicate w/ Airbnb to suggest financial requests get one additional day after the 2 week review period, but I'm pretty certain my suggestion went nowhere. 



2 Replies 2
Level 10
Rawai, Thailand


This review system needs to be reviewed,

Myself I dont get stressed out over it always make sure you reply to it giving the facts, which is what I did to a nasty couple, I didn't even bother to ask airbnb to remove it and the funny thing is other guest have mentioned it to me and just laughed.

Infact one lady said what was up with that crazy woman.........? 

I was intouch with a guy from airbnb about them, I told him if he reads my reviews the last one said it was the Best airbnb he had ever stayed in, so I have gone from the best to the worst in a week...........? He laughed.

Put the claim in I did when two women trashed my kitchen in my condo which was only 3 months old, the last thing I was worried about was a bad review, My attitude was "You are paying for a new cooker" Fair play to Airbnb I got my money all done and dusted in 2 weeks. 

Thank you! I still think Airbnb should give us a way to request funds without risking a bad review. But I do hear what you are saying.