Review withdrawal

Review withdrawal

I have a suggestion regarding reviews that may encourage more guests reviewing. I review all my guests but find, although I have a high score, only about 90% of guests review. I think a good option would be if you review a guest, the time expires and the guest does not review in return, the host gets the option to withdraw their review or to post therefore if guests wants reviews then they will be encouraged to do the same. I think it's a little rude if you are very helpful to a guest, give them 5 stars and they don't bother reviewing in return.

1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

It will always be the case that some hosts (particularly management companies and large scale hosts) don't bother to review and either do some guests.


I don't review guests because I expect guests to review in return but because is part of being the airbnb community and I normally  have great guests and want to show my appreciation.. 

if you are getting 90% of guests reviewing you that's a great response rate 😀