See potential guest's star ratings?

Level 8
Springfield, OR

See potential guest's star ratings?

We take so much time to rate the guests. Why can we not see a potential guest's rating breakdown? 

5 Replies 5


Supposedly that is in the works...


In the mean time, don't be fooled by an overall 5-star rating that you see now, read the text of the reviews and you will be surprised. Alot of Hosts will still give a guest a 5-star review and then some negative comments in the text or just say "Great Guest" or "Good Guest". That usually tells me something is amiss.....

Thank you Joan2709. I generally do read the reviews, this was the first time i recall being able to see the star ratings verbiage and it helped so very much....

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

I can see a guests average rating alongside reviews when they enquire or book @ChuckandCarole0 


I think they are talking about the sub-category ratings like:



House Rules





Airbnb said they were "revamping" much of the review process in the 2024 Winter Release video. Supposedly, lots of changes coming...I hope for the better.