Sharp Decline in Reservations Starting July 2024 but High views with 0 conversion rate

Level 2
Nairobi, Kenya

Sharp Decline in Reservations Starting July 2024 but High views with 0 conversion rate

I dont know if there is anyone else who is experienceing this

Since mid July 2024 my reservations and inquiries ahve sharply declined

The views and impressions are incredibly high but the conversion rate is super low. This is my perfomance views for July - SeptemberScreenshot 2024-09-10 at 09.54.41.png Screenshot 2024-09-10 at 09.55.43.png















Then this is my perfomance for May - June and as you can see it performed very well but the views were actually less than for July- August which shows there is something wrong

Screenshot 2024-09-10 at 10.01.35.pngScreenshot 2024-09-10 at 10.00.23.png













I have received many guests stating that they're unable to make reservation because of unauthorized party error, as much as it is a good detection system that safeguards us, I feel its too rigid and its filtering out alot of guests. I had a guest who wanted to extend their stay after staying for 2 days but the weird thing they could not extend the reservation because of the unauthorized guest error 

3 Replies 3

Hi Mary, well done on what you have achieved so far. What you are experiencing now is not an easy situation to fix unfortunately.

1.Airbnb algorithmns rightly or wrongly are preventing some guests from booking. Could be age related, they could be too close to you, they may not have good booking history, there's lots of factors. Airbnb are just not willing to take the risk. You could list on other platforms if you wish to get around this. But its a pain for guests who are genuine in intent and can't book.

2. Are there other cheaper priced competitors or hotels doing deals meaning you aren't seeing the business anyways?

3. You've only just started out as well, with 3 different listings, so your ratings are spread out over this. It's going to take time to build up your own ratings and the listing ratings. I'm convinced this has something to do with the algorithmns as well. 

Kind regs MK

Level 10
Toronto, Canada

When you are just starting out, a 3* review like this both hurts the conversion rate and also your algorithm placement.





It can be hard to get everything right when just starting though. It's just a lot all at once. 

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Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

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