I run a glamping site with 3 ensuite swiss cottages in The H...
I run a glamping site with 3 ensuite swiss cottages in The Himalayas and am looking for staycations or even monthly long dura...
Hi, how do I split bill to be fair With my family? I’m paying the total bill and they are paying me back, We are a total of 16 persons staying in a 7 bedroom house. Do I split bill per person? Per family? Per room? Please help! I just want to be fair
thank you
@Lisa6023 interesting question! I guess it depends on what you can get your family to agree to, but I would say that splitting the bill by room might be the easiest sell because it's most consistent with how normal hotel and bed and breakfast pricing works.
Good luck with it, and i hope you and your family have a good trip!
Hi @Lisa6023
Welcome to the community 😊
The fairy split rent is by persons, calculate the price for each person.
Do understanding all rooms are not equal, some room may be shared. Fairly spit the rent to keep everyone happy.
In additional, the simplest way to split the cost of an Airbnb is to have one person handle the entire payment via the Airbnb site or app and then have everyone else pay their fair share before the booking.
Happy Holidays ✌️
Thanks... that’s why I would like to know, what is fair? There is one family of 4 ( with teens), there are 3 couples with no kids, and the rest are all single. I should have asked how the cost breakdown before, but it’s too late. All just want to do what is fair.
(The family of 4 just want one room for them 4)
Hi @Lisa6023
In this case, it doesn't seem fair to split the bill by person? Because the four persons share one room?
Do help me to be clear for your question,
Total seven-bedroom house, 16 persons ( one family of 4 people, three couple of 6 people, and other six-person situation? )
The family choose to share one room. It’s 2 adults and 2 teenagers.
i can ask to move 4 of the Single persons into one room with the two beds instead ...and the family get two rooms.
Its a huge bill and I’m not trying to give anyone a break. We all agreed to go on this trip but we didn’t talk how $ was going to be split.
Hi @Lisa6023
You are correct.
Keep everyone fairy to pay the bill.it happens sometimes, a friend being silly.
Let them know your thoughts. 😊
Hi @Lisa6023
In addition, you might separate the room by the number of families, equal to the seven bedrooms.
e.g., The family of four taken two-room
And the other five-room equally to the number of the family or the couples.
Since you handle the booking and the payment, you should be in charge of the vacation home, advise everyone where to sleep.
6500 USD ( 16 persons * 406.25 USD per person ) + credit card charge%
Round it up to at least 420 USD per person
It's important to update everyone and make sure the calculation of the account is straightforward and reasonable.
@Lisa6023 This would seem like something that most people would have discussed with their family during the trip planning, not afterwards.
In any case, this a personal arrangement between you and your family members, no one can really decide for you what is "fair".
when I stayed at Airbnb with my friends, we shared the bill per person
The fairest way to handle this situation is for the person who organized the occasion to accept full responsibility for the cost. If someone in your family happens to be struggling financially, it would be rather callous to force them to choose between spending more than they can afford or being excluded from a special occasion with their loved ones.
The second most fair solution would be for the organizer to create a group holiday fund that each participant voluntarily pays in whatever they are comfortably able to contribute at the time, and choosing the accommodation and other expenses based on the resultant budget.
Splitting the bill evenly per-person may seem superficially fair, but it doesn't account for the disparities between people's incomes, the differing expenses they incurred to get to the destination, and the varying amounts of space and privacy they'll all have in the accommodation. Many times, I've watched a group at a restaurant try to split a bill evenly when some people ate several courses and ordered expensive cocktails while others just had a salad and tap water. If you're one of the ones who just got the salad, you'll probably never want to dine with those people again.
If the stay is already booked, a bit of backtracking may be in order. But in general, anytime you invite people to something you expect them to pay for, I recommend involving them in the budget discussion before making the arrangements rather than springing it on them after.
We all agreed to go on trip. So I disagree with you, I won’t take responsibility of a $6500 bill. Yes I’m handling the financial part of the trip, and everyone knew the total price before I booked.
the family of 4 feel they should only pay per room. They choose to sleep all 4 in one room ( with two queen beds) assuming that the bill was going to get split into 7 not 16.
@Lisa6023 My sister-in-law goes on vacation with her husband's family (22 persons) once per year. They split the bill by the number of family units attending, not per person or per room. Based on your information, that would be 7 separate bills of an equal amount. HOWEVER, that only applied to the accommodation, not to the "served at the house" food budget! Good luck with that!
@Lisa6023 does the house you booked has a fixed price no matter how many people is in the group, or the price depends on the number of guests?
For example, I have an apartment where the base price is for 2 guests and then + 10€ for each guest after 2 . So if the reservation is for 4 people then they will pay 20€ more per day.
This is tricky if someone is trying to get by with as little as possible instead of being generous. If this many people are going to be splitting hairs, that's going to be difficult.
The ABB likely had some per person pricing and some base rate. I think the 4 people in a room should pay more than 1 or 2 people in a room, but maybe not fully double or x4.
I'd get frank about these charges now, because food, transport, entertainment and such are all still to come and if you all are playing dueling calculators instead of enjoying each other then that will be memorable for all the wrong reasons