Sponsoring the Olympics

Sponsoring the Olympics

Since you are sponsoring the Paris Olympics and especially the disgusting, offensive opening ceremony, I am boycotting you until I hear that you disagree with Paris and pull your advertising. I assure you, many, many people agree with me.

5 Replies 5
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Will3949 As you have only joined Airbnb this month (presumably so you can make this protest) I really do not think your boycott will have a significant effect on Airbnb!

Also I doubt there were that many people watching the incredibly long and boring opening ceremony so I suspect most do not know what you are talking about.

Level 9
University Park, MD

@Will3949I watched the long and sometimes boring, but mostly exciting, opening ceremony. I'm not sure what you found so disgusting and offensive. Maybe I missed something?

Level 10
Takoma Park, MD

@Will3949 BTW, you are not reaching AirBnB corporate here. You've posted in a community center forum for hosts and guests. 

You haven't even made your rant clear, so we're not sure what your referring to. 

Boycott away! 

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

I doubt if there are many or in fact any hosts or guests who would agree with you @Will3949 

Level 10
Toronto, Canada

Didn't watch the Paris Olympics, and not sure what's disgusting and offensive in the opening ceremony?