Hey everyone, It's been awhile since I was last on the commu...
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Hey everyone, It's been awhile since I was last on the community, and so forgive me for that. However, in the past couple of ...
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I have 7 years of 5 star ratings in Santa Monica, California. Suddenly I had hardly anything in December ‘23, only one booking in January, one booking in March, then nothing at all. I’ve always been fully booked. I dont’ understand.
Is anyone else having this problem?
I would appreciate any insights!
Answered! Go to Top Answer
Hello Everyone.
Here are links to the best information I can find. Also, I’ve read the last 2 quarter earnings report, (the most recent one from last week.) You will find a link to the latest one below. I have also included a few other links I found helpful in putting together why we have had a slow spell.
I’ll say that my listings picked up after I’ve lowered the price $30 a night, which is a good amount, considering how expensive everything has gotten. Also I cut the cleaning fee to $50.
Based on what I have read in both the earnings reports, along with reading a few other articles found on the internet, I think a lot of the slow down had to do with Airbnb purposely trying to lower rates as well as bring in more hosts. The “guest favorite” filter gives new hosts more opportunity to get listings faster as it regenerates every 24 hours, while superhost status is every month or so. (I forget how long exactly, but, it’s a longer qualifying period)
As well, I was told by a support ambassador that the order of listings sorts randomly over periods of time, regardless if you are a guest favorite or not. (Superhost does not give you any advantage in search options anymore.) This was done for the same reason; to give new hosts the opportunity to be featured.
I’ve noticed that at times my listing only appears as a blank dot on the map, especially when I put in a blanket search for Santa Monica. This is even if I put in the guest favorite filter. Rather unfortunate, and I would say, unfair. But that’s that and unless they are reading this and decide to do something about it, that’s the way they are doing it.
The earnings reports also talked about how they are trying to be more competitive with hotels price-wise. Overall rates on hotels have gone up around 10%, while Airbnb has gone down a bit. Airbnb considers this a win. And perhaps over the long run it will be for us, as well. It has always been an advantage here, because and equal quality hotel is a fortune.
Finally, it seems that Airbnb is buying small boutique hotels here and there in an effort to diversify its portfolio. In the earnings reports they allude to “acquiring” investment opportunities, but that’s it. However, an ambassador confirmed that they are doing this. They are waiting to announce it. If you google it, you will find articles.
I hope this has helped sort it out. If anyone else has any input, please speak up under this reply. It’s nice to have it all in one place. This is otherwise an extremely long thread.
Here are the links promised.
February 13, 2024 earnings call:
re: boutique hotels:
Random articles:
Airbnb vs hotels: Why are customers and hosts over Airbnb? - Vox
Are Your Airbnb Bookings Down? Statistics, Factors, & Tips
Good to read. But I must say, nothing indicates they will do anything help this situation. A lot of the answers sound like they just want to placate us. And this Q & A was a while ago. They haven’t told us they will do anything about it.
I am getting more bookings, but I’ve had to lower my prices. Quite a bit. Hopefully they can go up a bit soon to compensate for inflation.
Has your situation improved, as well?
Oops I meant Q&A with Catherine-Powell (don’t know why I put Maxwell).
here’s the link to her Q&A session (it’s an article that was emailed out to hosts):
Can you tell me more about your rental situation? I have a couple with a son and amazing people and they need a longer term space in your area. Bonnie
This is not the place to try to book rentals.
This is so helpful. Thank you.
NO BOOKINGS for the last 2 months, Dec-Jan - never happened in 10 years in my south Seattle abnb. No good answer from abnb, what gives, eh? no panic
This is precisely what’s happening to a huge number of offers/hosts in Poland, too 😟
I’ve been a 98% fully booked superhost for the last 7 years straight, all of my offers have 400–500 reviews with an avg. of 4.99, usually fully booked 3–4 months ahead and… ever since the latest release everything went down to the drains.
Even though according to the stats, I’m at least 10% ahead of similar listings in my area in all categories, my reservations are now around only 50-60% and the future looks rather sad. The views of my offers dropped by 70%. And the fall happened almost instantly within a few days…
The market is surely saturated enough, but then the local airport breaks new records for the number of passengers every month, so the tourists are there…
I noticed an interesting thing though: before this year, every time I did a special offer, I got booked almost instantly. This year though, nothing - no matter how many special offers I did - zero reservations. So I checked the statistics, and it turned out that the promotions also had zero or just a few views, despite doing like 40% off which meant to be sent in emails etc. So, I did the incognito search and I could only find my properties when I zoomed on them (even though I had one of the lowest prices set).
Then I used the price filter and… here’s a scary part. Let’s say my special price was a reduction from $100 to $60. When I set the price filter to a max $65, none of my offers showed up, even if I zoomed exactly 100% on them! It said that there were no offers in that price range! I had to change the filter to $105 to be able to see my offers with the total price of $60! And what’s not funny, there were listings with special offers that showed up as they should… This is a huge bug in the system, no wondering that my offers all of a sudden have no views…
I tried to report it, but the level of customer service recently is on the lowest point ever…
Another thing I noticed, my stats are showing a huge drop of performance rates in all categories (quality, value, cleaning, check-in etc.) on a single day on 12 February. But it’s a drop from 100% to 0 and back (V shape) as if I received 1-star reviews on all my listings on this single day, which obviously never happened (and it’s not reflected in my review ratio). So this is very weird, another scary bug and I’m not sure if that has any impact on my listings’ position in the search…
@Filip12 That is very disturbing indeed. I agree the level of customer service has gone down. And the agents knowledge seems limited. I hope you will continue to pursue the solution to whatever technical issue is going on. They need to get to the bottom of it for all our sake!
My last guest was in the beginning of January, until now no bookings . I am planning to put my listing with booking . Com.
Michele I believe it is to do with the changes Airbnb have made to their algorithm. I do not think it is a reflection of the economy. We have all weathered the dips in income and reduced bookings because of this, but this is sudden and drastic.
From being almost fully booked, I have not had an advanced booking in over a month.
The search engine now gives details of far and wide and not the particular area you are searching for.
I have just put in a search on a very small particular area and out of 18 places, 3 meet the description of where I am looking for.
Airbnb's response is that I am still getting plenty of views resulting in no bookings and therefore I should look at my settings. My settings have been perfect for two and a half years.
I think it can be explained by the fact that when people are searching, they are now being directed to a huge amount of irrelevant properties that they are then forced to filter through before getting to what they are searching for.
This is not our issue, this is something that I believe Airbnb have to look carefully at.
As stated before it is sudden and drastic and coincided with changes that have been put in by Airbnb.
I agree. And Airbnb’s business is doing very well All I know to do is keep complaining to them. Unless you have other suggestions?
100% agree with you. Superhost & Guest Favorite Host here. Five star reviews. Summer is coming up and not one booking from Airbnb. Views are dismal- FIVE! I run Ads on Instagram and see huge spikes in my page views when I do. Oddly, I've received 4 bookings come in from VRBO. Those tend to be my older guests who like to use that platform. But since the Guest Favorite rollout, my listing is now BURIED on page 15 (per customer service). This is an Airbnb software issue causing this. No amount of "you need to have professional photography, a good response rate etc" is going to fix the lack of Airbnb bringing potential guests to view your listing.
Did a quick search on expedia and could find hotels at half your price for 4 travellers. That might explain why your listing is buried. The value proposition is just not there.
yep same here totally bad and my cabins are cheap??
Hi! I was wondering if you have seen any improvements in your bookings since listing this query? I have exactly the same issue. Have been a superhost for many years and always filled up the summer months (I dont really list in winter). I have had 0 enquiries yet, have tried to follow the suggestions here and deleted the cleaning fee and also taken on the 15% airbnb charge myself.