The guest engaged in unethical behavior, including threats, ...
The guest engaged in unethical behavior, including threats, verbal abuse, and extortion, and their review contains misleading...
Hello fellow hosts,
I have to admit that I am not a regular host. I have hosted before and had great experiences, so decided to host again for the month of June to try to cover expenses in between roommates. I am currently confronted with a peculiar situation, so wanted to crowdsource the issue. Please keep in mind that the house I am renting is my house where I live and keep my personal possessions.
A woman booked my house for a nearly a week and said that she and her husband are coming to Denver to celebrate their anniversary. The guest's profile has no details, but she does have two good reviews. The first thing to tip me off was the photo. I completely support all women and do not judge what they do to make a living or how they dress, but this woman's photo made me think she was in the porn industry. Further, her name sounds like a porn name, so I Googled it and found that there is in fact a porn star with the same name.
My concern is this: I do not want my house used to make a porn video. I have personal heirlooms, photos, and original artwork in the house. Moreover, I actually live in the house. I have no problem with a woman who is a porn star staying at the house, but I just want to make sure the house isn't used to create a porn video. Please tell me if this is totally off base, but I have heard stories and seen things on the news and in movies and TV about porn producers using spaces they rent on Airbnb.
Has anyone had experience with this issue? If so, how did you deal with it? It's just not worth it to me to risk a porn video being shot in my house, so I'm tempted to cancel the reservation. Please help!
She is a professional and she is a plain old person.
"I'm so glad you're coming. I do ask that no videos be made in the apartment. Would that be alright?"
You will also need to be prepared to enforce Your no Visitor Rule.
Thanks, Paul. You're right. I just need to make sure that my suspicion is correct that she is in fact a porn actor.
If she has 2 good reviews then maybe she is merely renting your property with her husband outside of work. She may well use her business name in order not to have her "real" identity revealed, as a safety issue....but she may well be professional enough not to mix her work in a studio to that with staying with her husband in an Airbnb property.
To make a "good/professional " video you need proper lighting,camera and sound crew and that would mean having more people in your property than is listed on the reservation...right? ... if I were a porn producer wanting to make a professional looking porn movie I cannot say (with great respect) I would choose your bungalow property to do so ...unless it was just an amateur home movie made with just a camera and the two participants.
Anyone can make a porn video with a mobile phone or basic camera and a tripod... ..Anyone can take photos of your property whilst staying in it....
OK thanks Mike.
I’m pretty sure your insurance provider would not cover you for commercial activity going on in your home, no matter what that may involve.
Good point, Cormac.
Not that I know anything at all about the production of pornographic movies, but I would doubt any producer would rent a shared space airbnb to make movies. As was said above, they require a crew with lights and equipment. Permits would also be required I'm sure. But if this couple wants to use a phone or camera to make a "home movie" of sorts, then I don't think there is much you can do to prevent this. I mean how would you even know? So I say just leave it be and let them do what they will so long as its just the two of them. It would be extremely rude and presumptious of you to say something before hand. A) she may not be the porn actress you think she is and B) even if she is, she is a person like anyone else and deserves to take a vacation without being hassled. If it turns out they do try and stage a production with lights and cameras, then you can step in and let them know it is not acceptable and ask them to leave. But until they cross that line, I'd keep your concerns to yourself.
made the point I was going to, just because somebody is in whatever Business does not mean they will use your property for that business.
I think there is a broader issue here. While something triggered this particular concern, I would imagine there are many concerns if you are letting a stranger into your personal home. Are you in the area during this time or are you travelling? If not in the area, how do you "inspect what you expect" in your home?
@Shannon0 @NedAndLaura
I think you have received great advice so far.
You should cancel the reservation if you are uncomfortable with it and then deal with the consequences.
However, despite claiming to not being judgmental, you judged her photo and then lept to conclusions.
And I think this is another example of catastrophizing, over-reacting, agonizing, and quasi-hysteria causing partial paralysis in making critical decisions which I see on this board on a daily basis from some posters.
I don't mean that as criticism but as an observation.
There are also some things that I would not bring to the community board: this is one of them. If I was uncomfortable with the guest, I would cancel.
I support you, Shannon, in whatever you decide but the fact that you are worried about this woman filming an adult entertainment video during her stay, despite no evidence that, that is the case, tells me all I need to hear.
I once had a request from someone wanting to 'use my property for a video shoot.' The profile picture was a snappily dressed man in dark glasses standing in an industrial park setting outside a limo. I replied that my 23 foot well worn travel trailer/camper was not a suitable place for a video shoot and that I couldn't permit any commercial activities on the property at any time. He cancelled his request with a polite thank you.
Very well said👌🏽
It's ok to judge, we all do it, and to say we don't is either a flat out lie or one has their head in the clouds and ignoring gut instincts and other indicators. When we go on dates and meeting someone for the first time we look for "redglags". That's judgement and we shouldn't feel bad about making them. We can misjudge; however, the intent of our gut instincts is to protect us.
People do try to book locations for porn videos. It is an actual thing that happens. They don't usually ask permission. They bring in a big crew, move furniture, tape stuff to the walls and windows, drag equipment in and out and park on the lawn. It is no joke and should be avoided at all costs.
You could message the guest and tell her that you are really sorry to have to mention it but that after looking at her profile you have a concern about the intended use of your property. Point out that unregistered guests and commercial activities are not permitted. Mention the little old lady next door that keeps an eye on things when you are gone. If you get a defensive and hostile response then take that as a warning sign!! A nice and reasonable person is going to respond nicely and reasonably.