@Alana108 What cheek. The guest causes damage and doesn't offer to pay for a repair, but sends you info on what you could do about it? That's a new one. Seems that no one has any sense of shame anymore.
I might private message the guest to say that you have tried the solution they suggested and it didn't fully work, so if you have to call in a professional to deal with it, you may be sending them a bill. But if you can't manage to make it presentable by doing further research and repair yourself , and if it's not an expensive table, you might want to chalk it up to normal wear and tear since asking for damage payment will often cause a guest to leave a bad, retaliatory review. As @Maia29 pointed out, you could use a tablecloth if that goes okay with your decor, but then that's just one more thing to wash.
In any case, I hope you leave an honest reveiew for this guest to warn other hosts that the most responsibility she takes for damages is to suggest how the host might repair the damage.