Hi, I booked a place yesterday but this morning the better l...
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Hi, I booked a place yesterday but this morning the better location is available. Can I cancel the first booking and get full...
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He booked 20 euro a night per room for few days.
And preholiday price for 2 days (the ones he wanna extend for) is 24 euro a night per a room.
He completely takes my brain out saying:
"Why your price is SUDDENLY SO HIGH for the next few days?
Is it because I told I want to extend?"
I wrote to the support team asking to connect with the guest and confirm if he will be extending or not.
For the rest, as I understand, if it's not extended I can freely see him off at 12.00, and if somebody books, it's his fault, not mine, that he decided not to extend dates in time.
What you think of this type of Guests? Share your experience how you behave in such situations?
Thank you.
No. I rather find that you manipulate discussions the way you want, and go off on tangents.
But really this is getting futile.
@Alon1 They have even more price disaster in St.Pete, then us in Kiev. St.Pete visitors come here and complain that property is too expensive in Kiev. I wish her good luck. She will definitely need it.
I don't think she needs advice from you, and as previously mentioned she grew up in Mariupol.
In short, she's just as much a native of your region as you are, only with considerably more experience working outside as in.
@Alon1 I told you, I come from one of the top scientific families in the world and I speak numbers. Who is that woman from Mariupol - I have no clue.... If you are ok with this woman, it's your thing. Why are you even discussing her.
@Alon1 sounds to me you are ashamed that such a clever woman has no money to rent the entire apartment. So, you justify her.
It's not that she doesn't have the money to rent an entire apartment.
As mentioned previously, she was renting her own flat, but had to leave it a few months ago.
She's here with me temp again as she decides her future. She resigned from a very prominent company with a lucrative salary, and currently waiting her UK Residency Papers due in a couple of months. After that, she may decide to stay in UK, go to the USA or return to Russia.
In sum, It would be most helpful if you don't jump to conclusions about people you don't know.
If you're serious to write a book about your experiences then I believe you will find another way of thinking, and a possible new pleasure in life.
I had to go the other way. I've never been a businessman, and always pursued my passion for writing. I was not exactly forced, but left with little option by this infernal Inheritance Tax to consider rentals if I wanted to keep the beloved family home. The alternative was to sell and find another place.
I preferred to keep the home, try pay off the IHT and continue with my work.
@Alon1 that's you life choice. But don't offer me your room clients. I am not interested in low payment catigory of clients to communicate with. Moreover, to go to London for that matter. I have enough looking for shelter in my own country. If girl had money or normal husband, she would not be renting a room, for sure. Ask her. She doesn't have money. If people rent rooms, the answer is very easy.They have no money, they are greedy, they need central location but have no money for decent hotels. Or, there are holidays, everything is occupied.
There is no need to justify your client, or a place she's been born, or your personal sympathy to her.
It's business. The numbers are always the most revealing indicator.
You push and you push and you push without really knowing details.
I've given you some indication of the woman's circumstances. I would just add that I know her bank balance as far as she revealed it to me.
So to the best of my knowledge, her balance certainly isn't as high as it was. The job she had was very intensive and paid lucratively. She had been with the same company for a decade and resigned 2 years ago due to stress and a wish to have more of a life. At the time she resigned, she was on near £ 1/4 million salary (putting her in a 40% UK Income Tax bracket.) she had also spent several years paying off her University education in a prestigous Business College in USA (very expensive, near $ 200k ), and bought 2 properties in St P, (prices unknown to me).
In the last few years following her resignation, when she had her own flat, she was living off her savings. Life in London is very-very expensive!
Had she remained in the company, she was due for promotion to an even more senior role with salary in the region of £ 1/2 million. But she would have even less of a personal life.
But now, as mentioned she's waiting for her UK Residency and decide what to do with her life.
Lastly, please don't automatically assume that every woman is looking for a husband.
Indeed, you yourself have declared your preference to remain 'bachelor'.
Please put an end to this probing of a stranger you don't know.
@Alon1 Oh, good. So, at least she got some cash. She sounds like a perfect client for my next resort I am launching next year, for businessmen in pre-infarction state.
I rather think not, because if you understood me correctly, she pulled out of her incredibly stressful job (100 hours per week). She recognized the warning signs on her health. She's at least much happier at present and with far more of a social life.
In sum, the evidence isn't stacking up for her to be your prospective client.
Conversely, I may well be a candidate if I continue to take the bait of your provocations.
Indeed, you are appearing to be more and more what what we call 'a wind-up merchant'. It's rapidly draining my energy.
Please pick on someone else from now on. There are plenty of potential other victims for you. Though perhaps they will have gleaned some lessons from our exchanges.
Best Wishes!
@Alon1 , I'm not joking about the resort. These types of women are very easy to suck cash from. Raise your price for the room.
That's one thing that's crystal clear to me... beneath your dry-wit & black humour, you are intensely serious. It's also why I think if you chose to write a book, it should first be in Russian.
As for my relationship with this woman, I have no intention of raising my price for her, because it's not in my nature. As mentioned I wasn't trained in business. So for better or worse I look at people in a different way to you.
Is this a guest that is already there, or is it a booking some time in the future? If the former, I would probably let him stay the extra 2 nights at $20 a night. Saves me a turnover clean, and there's no guarantee I would get another guest for those dates.