This is my first time booking with air bnb and I just want t...
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This is my first time booking with air bnb and I just want to make sure I’m booking the correct dates. We’re trying to plan a...
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Hi all
After two rounds of renting out both rooms on a longer-term lodging site, I have decided to reserve the second room I have in my house solely for short-term/AirBnB lettings but any time I try and read up on the requirements for cleaning it is all US based and adhering to their standards.
UK-based hosts - what measures are you taking in between guests.
I haven't had this room back on AirBnB since the loft extension was completed and the two 'downstairs' rooms were completely refurbished solely for renting out - I opted to use another site to let out to longer-term lodgers but in a post-COVID environment, it seems a lot easier to only have one long-term lodger in the larger room, and to keep the smaller room for much more transient guests.
I have seen great suggestions like hand-sanitiser in the room, masks - all doable now that stocks seem to be plentiful, and I keep the shared areas clean myself.
Anything else I should be doing?
Hello @Ros0
I am not sure it's a great idea of offer STRs at your home in addition to having long term would you ensure social distancing with having four or more people sharing your home?
How would your lodgers feel about having multiple people share their home?
He left a place with multiple residents and I asked him how he felt about potentially sharing communal space when my mate stays and given that is within the regulations - he has been fine with it. To be fair he was put in a position where he had a month to leave and he accepted the terms early on in that process. If it had been an issue for him he could have carried on looking instead of just taking the first place he saw (and I know he saw a few other places before asking if I would be happy to rent the room to him).
I am not breaking any regulations and quite honestly if he had no issue then I think that NOT putting the room on AIrBNB and introducing a third household AS I HAVE NOW SAID MULTIPLE TIMES, is the best way forward.
@Helen350 and @Mike-And-Jane0
thank you for your advice and guidance about my specific question about cleaning, but quite frankly I wish I had never bothered to ask anything.
I have in the past found hosts to be helpful but have found some of the comments downright hostile this time around.
Perhaps I am better off just not being a pet of AIrBnB at all if this is the way hosts treat each other in the community.
who said anything about four or more?
i have the loft extension and my own separate bathroom.
he has a bathroom
and quite honestly if my mate stays in the spare room she can always use my room at a push to shower.
Can a moderator please delete my thread? With the exception of @Helen350 and @Mike-And-Jane0 who actually answered the question ABOUT CLEANING (!) everyone else seems to think I am abusing my lodger by putting him at risk without actually talking to him about the situation, or hosting multiple people and flouting the regulations.
I don't know how you people view long term lodgers, but to me he is renting a room in my home, using shared areas in the house and is LONG TERM (the clue is in the words, people) and thus it is beneficial for both to have clear lines of communication for a profitable and pleasant relationship in the house. Hiding things from him and forcing unknown people on him would be foolish and would lead to a lodger leaving in quick smart time so use your common sense - why wouldn't I sit down with him (socially distanced of course) and TALK to him about plans for the household? God knows how any of you would deal with lodgers judging from your responses.
For the last time - I decided that lodger + friend as part of support bubble as per UK regulations means I will NOT list the room for the time being. IS THAT CLEAR ENOUGH?
So please stop lecturing me on single-handedly perpetuating the pandemic on my own, not taking it seriously, mistreating my lodger or any of the other nonsense people have posted.
And can someone please delete this thread and I won't bother the 'community' again.
I thought hosts should be supporting one another - not tearing each other down. I was clearly wrong.
@Ros0 , I believe many people are edgy right now, raw nerve endings fraying.
I am, maybe you are too. Not offering any advice re cleaning sorry! Just a comment.
I am just sick and tired of people commenting and judging when they have no right to do so.
I asked about CLEANING in the UK - not people's permission as to how to list the rooms in my house.
We are supposed to be a community of hosts, not judges over everyone. Christ knows enough people have issues with guests without hosts turning on each other.
And yes - quite clearly having not worked since the start and possibly having no job to go back to, I have to look at utilising my rooms as best I can. What I do not need is people assuming I am mistreating my current source of income. Stop and think how monumentally STUPID that would be.
'Hi come in, give me your money and by the way I am going to put your life at risk because my bestie is part of my support bubble and is gonna crash here from time to time and you get no say in it, so pay up and shut up'
uh huh - yeah I am sure someone would willingly sign up to that and not have an issue with that.
How about ' Hi - first up, I have a mate who works and trains nearby and sometimes uses the spare room if she has to be there super-early - is that OK with you? She can always use my shower and leave your separate bathroom to you if you prefer, and she might occasionally be hanging around downstairs but we both have separate eating areas if you prefer? Oh you are ok with that? Cool. Welcome to the household mate.'
Which conversation do you think happened, really?
Some people are far too quick to judge - and they need to take a good long look at themselves and count themselves lucky.