Last Thursday I received a reservation which then immediatel...
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Last Thursday I received a reservation which then immediately was cancelled and message was blocked . Shortly after that I re...
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Ever since Airbnb removed the photos from inquiring guests a sense of unease overcomes me when I receive an inquiry or instant booking. I know many others feel the same and honestly the feeling never goes away. Its something about the fear of the unknown and then having to live with the person that becomes terrifying. I received a request from a guest and noticed they provided Airbnb four verifications: email, phone number, government ID and work e-mail but the host isn't provided ANY of that. In fact, it'll take a court order to even get that information unless the guest willingly provides it.
The guest does have the option of providing a paragraph about themselves but lately NO ONE is filling it out. Its the worst when all you have to rely on is previous guest reviews when basing your decision on if you want someone to become a roommate for a few days to a few weeks. I tell guests to provide reasons for their stay because I have a one month minimum and people arent forthcoming with information either. Im never sure how to ask nicely: Im looking for inquiries from people who work full time or will be occupied and out of the house at least 40 hours a week. This statement only applies to people who choose not to provide any reason for visiting that would logically keep them out of the house more time than not.
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I don’tknow whether or not this has been discussed, because I don’t have enough time to read through more than 1 1/2 pages, but every time we’re encouraged to lower prices, find new hosts for a bounty fee, accept IB so we can see a photo, which may or may not help the host, AirBnB is attempting to get more of the market share for short term rentals. This is especially important for a company planning an IPO.
I fear nothing will change, but it may be more difficult for hosts when the powers that be have stockholders to answer to.
If I were a single female renting out a room in my home I would do a google check immediately after getting the guest’s last name, and a Meagan’s List search after finding out the city of residence. I might also require a passport or federal or state ID that I would photocopy upon arrival. Hotels ask for photo ID, why should’t we? I think any of that would make me feel more secure than a photo that could be of another person or 30 years old.
@Zacharias0 It's tedious, but according to ABB specs these guests aren't doing anything wrong: put in a ccard and hit book, what's the big deal?
For those of us who want more info from guests (and in your shoes I certainly would!!), you have to use every means possible to tell a guest what you want to know.
So, for you, I'd put it in my listing some text that says what you want to know. And then I'd list it in the House Rules what you want to know. And then I'd create a saved message that says what you want to know. And then I wouldnt accept anyone who can't follow along.
And do you think ABB would let you cancel someone that you approved IF you had it in House Rules that they had to show ID or upload a photo or share their personal info with you after the booking is made (bc there's no way to see that stuff before and then what if you said it had to be there but then after the booking is final you see that they didn't...)
It's a struggle, my heart skips a beat (and not in a good way) everytime the booking message pings from ABB (I have IB)
I agree, it is much more stressful now, and people are putting less and less info. on their profiles, so it's basically renting to a total, absolute stranger. Some person with a first name and nothing else.
Since Airbnb removed the profile picture/country before booking I am declining more inquiries and requests than ever before. I have no idea if my guest's communication is bad because he is young and careless dude planing a trash party or because she is an elderly and not computer savvy grandma or someone who barely understand English.
I am more suspicious when I am kept in darkness and I see I am not the only one.
Bad decision Airbnb
My partner and I have been welcoming travellers from around the world with the help of the Airbnb platform for several years now and prior to that we owned and operated a “real” Bed and Breakfast on Cape Cod, MA for 5 years.
When comparing the two different versions of hosting/providing accomodation, which by the way are all types of a business, I come to the conclusion that hosting with Airbnb means handing a lot of power and control over to a third party. It is correct that setting up a listing, marketing and handling payment with Airbnb’s help is made very easy but the dictation of how to do business with them is worrisome. Let’s examine for example the recent made changes by Airbnb were guests no longer have to provide a “proper” profile picture when trying to make a reservation. This new rule obviously causes a lot of friction between Airbnb and hosts and it rightfully should so as some level of control has been taken away from hosts. It is understandable by doing that, Airbnb is trying to cut down on issues like racism and discrimination. Both issues cost Airbnb huge amounts of money and obviously hurt their global image and yes: I agree, it is not acceptable to turn down a reservation if a host doesn’t like the skin colour or ethnicity of a potential guest. If that’s a problem for hosts they may not be suitable to host to begin with but Airbnb should find other strategies to tackle that issue. So for Airbnb it’s all about money and image, right!? On the other hand hosts would like to have a bit more control and comfort as well when granting total strangers access to their home. From my point of view, and again having been in the hosting business for many years, seeing a picture of a potential guest(s) gives me a lot of info about who is trying to book a room under my roof/in my home. There is the old saying that goes “a picture says more than a thousand words” and this is one tool for hosts to decide if a potential guest may be a good fit or not.
For example, if we (and that is before Airbnb changed the profile picture rule) received a reservation request from a person wearing little or provocative clothes I would kindly ask what the purpose of their trip was. Or if a profile picture didn’t clearly revealed a person’s face I would also be a bit hesitant to press the accept button right away. Another and often seen picture where I was wondering if a guest really fits under our roof is a profile picture of a person holding a beer or a cocktail in their hand. Now while this may all be legitimate for Airbnb and the potential guest trying to book a room in my home. It is me (the host) who has to deal with a candidate that may or may not fit under our roof. The list of examples I could give is long and I am sure each host can relate to this “taken away level of control” of who is coming to say with you. I just wonder why Airbnb, who is obviously in charge of this business, is unable to communicate clearly with potential guests how to provide a somewhat proper picture in order to give hosts a better idea of who is about to come and stay. Back in the days when we had our “real” Bed and Breakfast on Cape Cod we constantly asked what the purpose of our guests trip was so we could better prepare for their arrival. But the biggest security we had was that we were in charge when something went wrong or if a house rule (such as a no smoking policy) was broken. The assurance we had was our database and reservation system with all our guests information including their credit card. If we had the occasional guest breaking something or did smoke in one of our room we happily charged the damage or extra cleaning fee on our guests credit card. This and many other examples make hosting with Airbnb questionable and I can only advise each host to reconsider other options because it is you and your home you invite people to stay with.
@Thomas-and-Damian0 this is exactly right! My Vrbo guests have no profile whatsoever but I don’t care. Why? Bc I have a real security deposit, a real cancellation policy, I get paid as soon as the booking is made, I’m allowed to cancel without an act of congress....
its fine that abb took away pictures (most of them are useless anyway) but hosts want to know that when things go south the company has their back and I’d venture to say that most of us know we’re out here entirely on our own.
Absolutely agree with you! The photos are useless, however, they give You a false impression like you know who you’ll be hosting. I think the big issue is, as you said, ABB does not have our back and is giving all the power to the guest.
@Zacharias0 I totally agree with you. I am finding my stress level rising whenever I get a booking request these days. As @Branka-and-Silvia0 have mentioned, I also find myself declining more and more requests because I am just not sure about the person requesting to stay. It is often hard to read between the lines, trying to glean any minuscule bit of information from the message sent by the potential guest. I am still agonizing over my most recent booking request; the person seems obviously annoyed with my pre-trip screening questions and chose to anwer them in bullet form, with as few words as possible, sigh
I can feel your pain and rest assured you are not the only host being left alone with this issue. Again, I can understand Airbnb's side trying to cut down on racism and discrimination but this is not the main issue in my view. We live in Australia and hosted many people from around the world and again if we would have issues with that Airbnb should maybe come up with a "host screening test" to see if a business partner is actually ok with having people from different countries and cultures staying. The main point in my view is to rely on Airbnb when clearly their main focus is making money and portraying this beautiful global community and hosts being taken away control. The other point which I don't like is how Airbnb is forcing down this rule without communicating this with people offering their homes. I have the feeling there is a group of very young people sitting in California trying to set the rules if you like them or not.
Esta respuesta es una respuesta muy ACERTADA!!!Muy bien Thoma y Damian estoy con vosotros!!!
Lo mismo nos pasa a nosotros Ann,nos pasa lo mismo,parecemso Policias pero es por el mismo motivo de todos al cobijar unas personas en nuestra Villa,sin saber mucho de ellos.
Me too.... I have snoozed my primary listing under my main roof and screen guests with a fine tooth comb now for my second space which is still on the premises but with no shared spaces. People I would normally have accepted without hesitation I find I am now having to decline if they dont reply to my questions in a timely manner and then they have to book all over again. It is a frustrating waste of time and effort for both host and guest....
There are more and more hosts taking off their listing as they feel loosing control over their property. I hope more will follow in hope Airbnb is either thinking about other options or it's time to look for other platforms hosts can use. Sad in a way but again Airbnb does not rule this industry and other platforms become more popular.
The ironic thing is Geri, Airbnb took this action because they seriously thought it would lead to a drop in booking declines.
That just goes to show you what sort of la la land these guys actually live in.
You can totally understand how it has come about though.....ABB don't own anything, accepting a guest is not an ABB risk, it's ours.
So 'totally' insignificant stuff like whether Robin or Ashley, or Jay or Alex, or Andy, or Casey, or Chris, or Drew, or Jesse, or Jordan, or Ray, or Riley, or Gabriel, or........GERI, who is enquiring is actualy a male or a female is, just not something that needs to be even remotely taken into consideration for a lone female host!
Of course you can understand that rationale, can't you Geri...tell me, is that male Geri, or female Geri....Oh of course how silly of me, you have a profile photo!!
Ahhh, but @Geri26 & @Robin4 is it a real profile?
Lol... but seriously, as stated by @Kelly149, @Zacharias0 & @Thomas-and-Damian0 , it’s certainly harder and more stressful than before.
Without my IB, question protocols and house rules, and
my follow up message which includes compliance and “oh I see as you’ve instant booked you have accepted my house rules... etc etc” OR “as you are requesting, This also means you are willing to accept all house rules without exception, I’m more than happy .... “
I think I would shut shop to STR.
Because with family including grandchildren who visit us, it’s not worth the increase stress if my checks aren’t getting ticked.