Unusual requests

Unusual requests

Our staying guests asked us today if they could borrow an iPad or laptop so they could watch a movie because the weather had forecast a risk of rain.


we were very surprised to get a request for something that is personal and would have confidential data on it. We say in our description that there is no tv in the room, however we provide a selection of books, magazines and games.

I said unfortunately we didn’t have an iPad to lend but happy to supply them with a selection of fun board games.

they weren’t interested in this and I am left feeling they may down grade our bnb as a result. First time someone has asked for this in three years.


would love to hear other hosts views on this,

16 Replies 16
Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

Of course, I wouldn't borrow my laptop or iPad either.

Level 10
Arkansas, United States



No way.


If they wanted that they should have brought it with them.


Maybe they would like to borrow your car too.

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

How about " We planned to be out and about all day, but the weather being what it is, we'll have to amuse ourselves indoors. Got any sex toys we could borrow?"

Level 9
Georgia, United States

Almost fell over reading your take on "Unusual Requests" @Sarah977 -  you can't be serious!? I laughed for a moment, then hesitated. Asking to use someone's personal laptop is "pushing far" as 'tis..but this "toy thing" is  "way out there in the tall grass - beyond 'left field'". Unbelievable when host must remind adult guests of AirBnb policies on personal boundries & sanitary protocols. Those needn't be "toyed with".  Such guests must be  FUBAR to mention such request or suggest such "trot" to their host.  To @Penny233, I suggest: Politely tell guest that such items as personal PC/Laptop/Mac/iPad, et al. are NOT communal, not included not supplied see in your listing of guest amenities & essentials. Kindly suggest to them that it may be wise considering what @Brian2036 said,  "BYO" laptop - or buy cheap or used laptop for such remote excursions".  If, possible,  lookup the ph#  of the nearest internet café or computer electronics store (and give the info to that particular 'schnorer' guest) , Mme. Penny233. Ne laissez pas vos invités vous utiliser comme si vous étiez leur repose-pieds. Bonne chance, fille.

@Elizabeth2291  Of course I was kidding- I've never had nor heard of a request like that, but after reading some of the bizarre requests hosts have gotten, nothing would surprise me anymore.

@Penny233 I think acting with common sense is the best solution. I also agree with @Elizabeth2291  opinion.
You gave the right answer, you said you don't provide this type of equipment, which is not in the listing description. I would not borrow my laptop either.
There are some Airbnbs that even offer a notebook computer or ipad. So there might even be some clueless guest who thinks they can order this anywhere. Better to be diplomatic and explain that only what is in the listing description is offered.
Being ironic or making fun of a guest is not worth it. If you explain the situation correctly, they might even write a good review to you.
It has happened to me that a clueless guest  makes an absurd request. I was patient and explained why I couldn't help him with his request. The guest understood and wrote a good review to me.

If the guest is rude or doesn't understand it, it is better not to argue. You can comment on it in the review. 
It's like the saying. If a horse kicks you, it's no use kicking the horse. You better get away from it.

Level 10
Arkansas, United States



As a comparable offensive request, I was thinking of, “Could I borrow your toothbrush for a few minutes? I need to clean my toenails.”

Level 10
La Quinta, CA

Guests, perhaps like many children,  think there is no harm in asking.  I wonder if rather than just responding to the question, if you might have been able to engage them in a conversation about what other alternative activities they like to do when stuck in a rainy day.  Perhaps they would have come up with board games or maybe reading or visiting some local site.  Or, they may have stuck with watching movies on a TV, but you would have demonstrated interest in hearing from them rather than just being the permission giving parent.  This technique is pulled from my years as a family therapist...

Level 10
Arkansas, United States



Interesting perspective. Thank you.


 I’m already formulating some side-stepping conversation points in my mind to use when people make unrealistic requests.


This might be a fun topic to pursue on another thread.

"Guests, perhaps like many children..." How apt, as so many guests appear to be behaving like children, according to the many reports on this forum, this post included. Best to utilize those parenting tactics, indeed.

Level 10
England, United Kingdom

We don't have a tv either, it is that kind of place. There is zero chance we would lend a device.

Level 9
Georgia, United States

@Sarah977 Now I don't feel so bad for laughing when I read your humorous take  as example of "Unusual Requests" by Guests. You bring to your fellow hosts' Community Center "table": mirth, "food for thought" and practical insight & examples of "one can expect rare & "out of the blue" extraordinary, and perhaps, even bizarre requests made by our AirBnb guests. Good to be prepared, in any case. Although, in RL, when (if) responding to such unusual request(s) issued by guest(s), am certain I should refrain from 1. Laughing or otherwise losing my composure. 2. Avoid responding to Guest request. 3. Ask Guest to review my Listing's Amenities, Essentials, Guidelines (handbook), Host Rules, and the lot. These things will require me to employ the use of a practical & seasoned host's "thinking cap" & experience. Diplomacy + tact to assuage any disappointment or doubts a Guest may have re: my abilities as a proper host. @Linda108 Handled it like a champ! You have such skillful resolve in handling of unusual request. You maneuvered a tough scenario with total aplomb + finesse. Wow! I appreciate the comments here of all who posted! Skills, practical info & smart solution provided by @Linda108, adhere to guidelines, boundaries but don't "throw yourself under the bus" goes to @Brian2036 , @Sarah977  @Branka-and-Silvia0  @Mike-And-Helen0 for preparedness in such matters, morale support, mirth, adhere to listing's theme, personal safety, guidelines/boundries, "stick to the handbook approach". Big thanks to all and "hats off" to our super astute Kiwi ABB host & CC member @Linda108. I couldn't have pulled this off w/RL Guest smoothly if such issue happened "on-the-fly". Am usually good with extemporaneous resolves. This thread offered huge insights into "AirBnb Hostdom". Not to forget, MUCH thanks to @Penny233 for posting to this thread/topic. Am new w/AirBnb Hosting/App. Am still fine tuning & upgrading my host listing, approach & guidebook, details & guest rules. ABB CC is a great "go-to" source to gather/share practical RL experiences + sensible insights & gain hosting finesse & "wisdom", IMHO.


Wow! Red carpet moment!

@Elizabeth2291  I enjoy your posts, but I have to say they are really hard to read.


How about breaking them up into paragraphs with spaces between?