We are pleased to announce that we have maintained our 'Supe...
We are pleased to announce that we have maintained our 'Super Host' Status for our 2nd year in a row! Here are some of the th...
Honestly, what does it do for us besides the annual pitiful $100 travel voucher AND the free airbnb magazine? We're all busting our butts worrying about getting, keeping and losing superhost status. WHY?
Convince me that being a superhost is such a beneficial thing for a host.
@Donald28 I am not able to convince you. But I know that some people have the personality to be the best for what they choose to do. Superhost is a target for those people to reach. Honor and reputation are usually very important in their daily life.
Therefore, it is more of a spiritual or emotional benefit than a physical benefit.
Yes! Thank you for this response.
After a 6th month renovation with so many late nights working to get our place ready, Superhost was definitely a goal to hit.
For me, its not about what we get because of being superhosts, it's about the recognition that we do all the extra things for our guests.
And yes- I want my guests to appreciate all of the hard work we put into making our house for THEM!
but who gives you that recognition you seek for getting superhost status? Only airbnb and only by the little icon that most guests have no clue what it means, a $100 travel voucher that you probably won't use and an airbnb magazine that you probably won't read. You reviews from guests are your recognition. I am a superhost 9 times running but I have never TRIED to be. It just happens. If I lose it due to a revenge review, then I really can't see anything I'd actually miss.
Nailed it Mike.
Good question!
I suspect superhost listings are probably faster to book. They "market" better.
I also agree with @Mike1034 , for many hosts it is in their blood to be their best and/or be competetive. Recognition (superhost badge) is a great motivator.
That said, I am not Superhost material. If I had to get 5 stars everytime, I would not host on Airbnb. I don't wish to give guests the Hilton experience. I want them to have a clean bedroom and bathroom and comfortable bed. Period.
Two different worlds.
Can I say @Paul154 that I think you are already super host material; but personally, I don’t aim to give a Hilton experience. Never have, never will! But I do aim to let their holiday be the best it can be with what I can offer... what they do outside that parameter is up to them. Yes, I have a short Airbnb season, but with failing stars in location (suburbs?) or value (by a returning guest???), I’ve still managed to hold five stars. I don’t aim for it, but it keeps me on my toes, which as a host is not a bad thing... 😊. And I’ll never say no to that $100 voucher. I’ve used everyone I’ve received. 😁😁
The practical motive is:
Although there are Airbnb guests that do not know what super host is,
there are the ones (usually experienced Airbnb guests) that only book with superhosts because they know that a super host are usually able to provide a good stay and know on how to fix any issue very rapidly.
So, if the potential guest are searching for accommodation using Airbnb platform, you have more chances to get booked if the potential guest uses the superhost filter.
Being an experienced host, you know that, five star has nothing to do with 5 star hotels and luxury. It has to do with having a high degree of recognition within the type and category of accommodation that is offered.
You say - "I suspect superhost listings are probably faster to book. They market better. "
To be honest, my earnings and bookings has not increased drastically since I became a superhost. Moreover, supehosts do not have the power to get much better prices, mainly in a very competitive market.
Sometimes I miss the time when I did not had this badge. I was less stressed and less concerned with stars. I think the earnings it was the same or better than now. About that I can not say for sure.
Anyway, so far, I still care for my superhost status.
I was a superhost for quite a while until I had a couple of difficult guests who left me less than stellar reviews. I was pretty upset when I lost my superhost status, but soon realized it just sets up an unfairly high expectation.
I never got superhost status back, and, honestly, I'm far less stressed these days. I still get great reviews, and lots of lovely guests, and booked as much as I was before.
I like to have the super host pin on my profile because some guests feel super hosts are more trustworthy. Also you can specifically search for a superhost listing when looking to book. With that said, when I lost my super host a few months ago because of a random three star review, I didn't notice any decrease in bookings. Infact, my Airbnb business is still growing, despite the fact that I have not been able to obtain my super host status back.
Would I like to have my superhort back? Heck yes. But I don't feel like I would be able to do any better even if I did have it.
i really dont think most potential guests look for the superhost pin as much as they look for stellar reviews.
Britini, I agree about the Superhost deal. I think it is hard work and I feel the quest is not always what Airbnb should be letting them in the quest door. I had one that had a bad review,I also gave him a bad review, and then he was allowed to book again another bad review. I notfied Airbnb of the damaged he had done along with the review. As to date nothing has been done. Then right after that I had one that would not follow the quidlines. I talked to him a couple of times and I got the prize of all ones. Quess what that will do to my rating.
free Airbnb magazine? what is it?
Except for 100$ travel voucher I like when I call and hear from the other side " Hello super host" hehe 🙂
And no, my bookings didn't increase since I've got a badge
@Branka-and-Silvia0 Airbnb magazine may be just for US hosts now. You may see the details in the following link
Yo opino que es una cuestión de superación, de satisfacción personal por el detalle, por la culminación eficiente de un trabajo esmerado. Si nos vamos a lo meramente económico quizá ser superhost no suponga un incremento excesivo en tus ganancias...dudo que ninguno de los que operamos en esta app lleguemos a ser económicamente boyantes, aun siendo superhost...es una cuestión de pundonor.
Y si ese esfuerzo se ve recomepensado por unas mejores posiciones en las búsquedas de los posibles huéspedes....bienvenidas sean.
Saludos desde Nerja, Spain!