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Hello dear hosts, administrators and moderators of the forum. When I have a problem and can't get help from cs , I ask a ques...
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This is to inform all hosts that smoke damage is not covered!
I had a guest smoking cigarettes and Canabis in my flat and left the place smelling like an ash-tray. He admitted the smoking in the chat, there where complains in writing from other residents and I took photos of unfinished selfrolled joints. The flat had to be repainted and all cupboards and tiles had to be washed many times to get it successfully smoke free. I had to throw all beddings, replace the blinds, the decoration pillows and the carpet. The flat is in Soho Central London, to get work done it is not cheap.
The "Host protection insurance" only paid around 10% of the total damage, and e.x. did not pay for new blinds. In my eyes a big problem in the policy.
Here the final response from AirBnB:
Hi Eric,
I understand this is not the outcome you were hoping for. I want to reiterate that this decision was made after careful review of all documentation and communication, and is in alignment with our policies and procedures.
Unfortunately, we are unable to mediate smoke smell as it is non physical damage.
Please be advised that, per our Terms of Service, Airbnb reserves the right to make the final determination with regard to these disputes. We are unable to reconsider the decision made in this case — we've issued our final decision and will uphold it accordingly.
As further communication will not change the outcome of this case, we must respectfully disengage from further discussion.
Answered! Go to Top Answer
Get an ozone generator. I promise you it will be your best friend when it comes to smoke, cannabis, garlic, onions, body odor, or any other strong smell a guest leaves in your flat.
Get an ozone generator. I promise you it will be your best friend when it comes to smoke, cannabis, garlic, onions, body odor, or any other strong smell a guest leaves in your flat.
Out of curiousity, since you relate the damages exclusively as a result of smoke, what was covered by Airbnb H.P.I. re.. '10% of total damages'?
We should have to extrapolate damage other than smoke, otherwise it would point to an inherent contradiction in the reasoning given you by Airbnb.
Otherwise, we may further wonder when you received 'complains in writing from other residents'?
If you received the complaints during the Guest stay, might you have acted faster than waiting for him . to leave?
I pose this question as a live-in host: I've rarely experienced the breaking of this house rule, and was able to deal with it immediately, so there was no lasting damage.
Hi Alon, of course I reacted the moment I had the first complain. I do not live in the same building, also was abroad a lot but was kept informed about other residents and their complains, even directly to AirBnB. Guest was not responsive, ignored all communication with me or AirBnB. Ignored several warnings, only reacted when reservation was annonced to get cancelled. Continued smoking canabis and cigarettes no matter how many warnings. And law does not allow me to enter the flat without his permission I was informed. Could enter once reservation was c ancelled by AirBnB. Flat was a trashbox besides the smoking. All well documented, quotes from professional decorators & cleaning services. Only 10% paid out, because smoke smell is not covered.
Just wanted to send a warning to other hosts who are still dreaming to be well protected.
Thanks for clarification.
Still it's not clear to me what was covered by the 10%. Did Airbnb specify?
I've read on other threads, aside Host designated Deposit;
Airbnb normally pay just a small sum of about $ 250 from Host Guarantee.
(To evoke anything more of the £ 600k advertized seems to require a media campaign)
Ps. If you want to make sure your response to any person is notified, please use the @ sign.
A drop-down menu appears with name of participants on the particular thread.
The notification then appears in red top right hand corner (bell sign for Notifications), along with an automated email to that person.-- Otherwise, you just rely on the other person checking back in as I've done now.
@ Alon: I need to add: I submitted a quote from a company to redo the flat, and it was around 3.000 pounds. So I got 296 pounds + 63.00 to paint it myself must have been their thought. Also they closed the case, so no more negotiations.
Thanks for detailed confirmation.
Brutal result. So sorry.
The only other query in retrospect is re: 'Continued smoking canabis and cigarettes no matter how many warnings. And law does not allow me to enter the flat without his permission.'
It seems you refer to Airbnb T&Cs. Is that correct?
Coz I expect UK Law would override it, i.e. when you received complaints from other Guests, you could have called Metropolitan Police to come round and investigate. And if police brought charges against the Guest, I expect Airbnb would have paid out considerably more.
Hope this never happens again.
Best Wishes.
you are waaay overreacting 🙂 I am a smoker, I live in Croatia where a lot of people smoke and in our apartments smoking is allowed. We host a lot of nonsmokers and Americans and nobody complained about the smell, so I know what I'm talking about 🙂
All you have to do is:
- open ALL windows for a few hours and turn your A/C off. (the smell is stronger if the air is cold)
- wash all the ashtrays
- (vent the bedding on the balcony if it's really necessary)
- vacuum all upholstered furniture ( sofas, armchairs)
- change the linens as usual
- clean everything as usual
I have to admit that the air is the best after guests who smoke because smokers will open the windows a few times a day. Others just use A/C and then when they leave the whole place often smells of cooking, toilet, sweat, and smelly shoes 😛
That attitude towards smoking is the problem - that it's no big deal; just open the windows; clean everything as usual - and it makes me angry! The hosts above are so familiar with the smell that they DO NOT know what they're talking about. Those of us, hosts and guests, who don't smoke can recognize the repugnant odor even one cigarette leaves behind. We don't want to have that disgusting smell in the air, in our clothes, in our furniture, in our lungs, etc. To say the "air is best after guests who smoke because smokers will open the windows" is just evidence that even smokers don't like smoke! And of course non-smokers aren't going to complain when they have knowingly rented an apartment where smoking is allowed. 🙄
I recently had to deal with a couple of idiot smokers in my rental who thought they could get away with it if they smoked under the motorized bathroom vent. After they checked out, by chance, I had a discussion with a guy who used to work at store selling air purification items. He advised me to get an ozone generator. I did, ran it twice and it seemed to get the stink out. I'll be checking again after the current guests leave. Airbnb wouldn't cover the cost of the ozone generator because the smell wasn't considered "physical damage." I messaged the smoking guests and threatened to sue them if the profitability of my rental diminished because future guests left bad ratings due to the smell. Yeah, I actually did that. I'm not usually an angry person; I just refuse to put up with stupid people's crap.
I've since made heavy emphasis within three different areas of my listing that absolutely no smoking will be allowed. I've also posted signs in my rental reminding guests of that and even included references to local laws against smoking in rental properties where it's not allowed. Call it overreacting if you want, but cigarette smoke is disgusting and offensive and if an expectation is set for a property to be smoke free, it should be honored by anyone renting it.
This is BS. I suspect that since you are a smoker, you are not sensitive to the smell that is so obvious to non-smokers.
There must be a super strength of cannabis in London. Some goes by name ‘skunk’ for good reason. It’s absolutely lingers and it really is a huge issue if you have same day turnaround which many of us London hosts have 🙂 many london apartment are also in built up areas and windows not on every side, so it’s hard to give the apartment a natural airing through a strong breeze blowing through. It’s just car exhaust polluted air, haha.
There's nothing more "physical" than smoke damage to a home. Ask anyone who's been through even a minor pot of food on the stove fire...and thier insurance agents. THOUSANDS in damage that was NOT corrected until the adjustor came and there were several bids.
Air BNB has this all backwards.
The procedure for an insurance claim is:
1- you report it to Airbnb, who documents it and refers you to the insurance company
2- the insurance adjustor comes and documents everything with photos, statements, and loosk at any other evidence
3- you get bids to fix it and cost estimates for replacements
4- the insurance company averages the bids and makes an offer to pay
5- you agree or appeal
6- Insurance cuts you a check
7- you hire the contractor and get the work done/purchase the items
THIS SEQUENCE IS FOUNDATIONAL TO DOCUMENTING AND GETTING ANY CLAIM PAID. It can take a while depending on the provider and urgency of the situation, but it's standard practice.
I worked in insurance. It appears Airbnb does all of this internally, because no one has complained has mentioned speaking with an adjustor. Is the name of the insurance provide published anywhere in association with this "$1 Million Host Protection" promise?
My hunch is, Airbnb has a policy, but isn't submitting most host claims becuase thier rates would skyrocket, so they're "mediating" them internally and paying nothing or as little as possible to shut us up.
The legality this "internal review" is questionable in addition to the clear breach of contract. Unless enough choose to address this, the abuse will continue.
Please be advised that, per our Terms of Service, Airbnb reserves the right to make the final determination with regard to these disputes.
I checked out both the Host Guarantee scheme and Dispute Resolution and Arbitration. I can find no mention of that final determination anywhere. It might be somewhere else?
CC @Susan1028
This breaks down as:
1. 1 Quilt+2 pillows: £15.33
2. 3 10 litres of paint @ 21.33 each: £63.99
3. Pinting labour medium size room: £296
Total: £375,32
Unfortunately, per Airbnb's Terms of Service, we are unable to pursue for replacement of items due to smoke smell as they are non physical damage and cleaning claims. Regarding the items thrown away, we are unable to pursue for reimbursement because photos of damages are a must.
I did not find any professional painter in Soho who would paint my flat for this amount. So its just a joke. They did not pay for the 4 blinds, that were full with coffee spillings and smelled like an ash-tray.
I just wanted to make sure, that Hosts know that SMOKE DAMAGE is not COVERED and the whole insurance thing is like all the insurances always looking for an easy way out. I will reduce my acitivites on AirBnB.
Thanks for brainstorming.