I have just received the most careless response from Airbnb ...
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I have just received the most careless response from Airbnb in regards to $4,000+ of unauthorised credit card charges. In res...
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hey guys,
Is my first post here and unfortunetly is not a happy post...
Had just completly cleaned my apt. and did all laundry and i had Mr. Atul B( no reviews, 4 verifications)from India checking in. Within an hour and without letting me know he left. Just now i recieved this from airbnb(his request to get refund and message).
PS-is 3rd. in a row indian guest that gives me huge problems ! Yes..anyone else ??
The other 2 guests from India i can share info upon request-helpfull to know for future. I do now want to go all out into this ...
"Hi Team, Today I checked in the place and left the place within one hour because the whole place was so dirty and infected. I got red marks on my hands (pictures attached) just by sitting on the couch which Sorin gave me to sleep. My couch was so dirty and smelly and there was cat hairs all over the place. Everything in the apartment was so dirty and it was not a living place for any living person. If I would have stayed for even one whole day, I would have gone to the hospital. It's like a fraud to customer by not giving accurate pictures and description of the place. I came from India this morning after 16 hours flight and checked in to such place which was so dirty. Just to let you know that I recently recovered from Dengue fever when I was in India (find attached doctor document to my employer) and I didn't want that I will get sick again at such horrible place which was so dirty. I am requesting Sorin (owner) that please clean the place as it's not suitable for yourself and your cats. Kindly refund me the whole amount as I didn't expect this from any listing at such reputed website airbnb. Thanks, Atul"
Again it is all lies..this guy posted pics and sent them to airbnb of my cat ? the bathroom, living room and even LIED that he got red marks on his arm. He prob. scratched his arm, it def. looks liek this in the pic -i wish i had a camera recoring this !!
Sorin C.
@Sorin0 I'm sorry but on this occasion, I guess the saying goes... no smoke without fire.
And the reason I say this is that I just took a few moments to look at your listing. I didn't actually get as far as viewing your property as I was drawn to one of your recent reviews. One of the comments from the review in question contains sentences such as - "i got back pain and fever the cause may be the broken bed or the stinky house". "The bed I was given was full of Cat´s furs because all cats are open to sit anywhere on your cloth and beds".
Now the guest probably shouldn't have referred to your house as 'stinky', that was wrong of them to do so. But your response was - "why are you LYING , ***"
That is all.
Lindsey, i reacted to his comment .. if you check out my review on him which as you know when you write it, you do not know what their is - I left an respectfull almost positive review !
Also please check out that same guest leaving an similar negative review on one of the TOP host in Ny-Bk exactly.
So THIS PERSON USES AIRBNB 2X and leaves 2 bad reviews...intersting.
Guest name-***
This is
pasted from ***
"After several call and text I couldn't reach to her . Despite little far when I came to the suggested subway i felt insecure to to walk to the house which was 5 block away. I tried to contact her again but no response. No any subway staff suggested me to walk out with luggage . Finally, I took the taxi and went to the Motel to Pay off my luck. I will be thankful on the point of returning the money which can´t be compared with the safety and sleepless night. She should mention in her terms and condition that she will keep her keys at such point that any one can find it once he reach on the door.."
Please keep in mind that problem guest nr. 2 is from a country where cows, goats, chciekns stiil are fee to walk on streets, there are no basic restroom facilities for people and often they defecate on street(WOW but true)as normal routine, no street lights, semafors, and last here on New Jersey side we are kind of full with them everywhere you go. It is the truth, some people do not like to hear it...
@Lindsey0 wrote:
Well you just sound rather racist and ignorant my friend. Belittling the cultures and lifestyle of a country perhaps not as developed as your wonderful city is not doing you any favours.
The quote in my previous response was removed but if anyone takes the time to read Sorin's review from March this year (a different guest to the one discussed in this topic), it's clear to see that there is an underlying problem!
Well when you have on video a guest(the one the topic is about !) scratching his arm and then, an hour later sending pics of that said arm claiming he got a rash from my cats hair, someone tends to be more cautions with guests from certain well beloved cultures.
I love all cultures, i like a healthy, unadultered and natural habitat, but not man made unsanitary filth such as the one i tought you about earlier.
As for other said guest, yes i have a serious undelrying problem with people who lie. You did not read those only 2 reviews he left are all negative ? Sorry but maybe i got really comfy with awesome guests and fabulous reviews lately and boom i was hit now with a not soo good one..
Calling someone a 'stinky xxxx' certainly doesn't sound like you 'love all cultures'.
I am sure it will put guests off. I certainly wouldn't want to stay at someone's property who made racist comments..
You are the host, you are meant to be polite, professional and friendly. Just because someone makes comments about your property that you don't like (whether you feel they were justified or not) doesn't mean you need to resort to racial slurs.
I have had several guests from India and they were amazing. As a matter of fact, I have had guests from India, China, South Korea, France, United Kingdom, Ireland, Spain, Egypt, South Africa, Canada, Australia, Poland, etc.... I have had a few issues but they were taken care of without demeaning my guests. As an Airbnb host, it is your responsibility to be patient and help your guests through the process and to understand how things work. Sometimes it means babysitting adults and sometimes they will not understand and leave a bad review. I do one of two things, I either leave a constructive and honest review that thanks the guest or I don't leave one at all. Here is an example of how I would have responded to that guest from India.
"Hi Team, Today I checked in the place and left the place within one hour because the whole place was so dirty and infected. I got red marks on my hands (pictures attached) just by sitting on the couch which Sorin gave me to sleep. My couch was so dirty and smelly and there was cat hairs all over the place. Everything in the apartment was so dirty and it was not a living place for any living person. If I would have stayed for even one whole day, I would have gone to the hospital. It's like a fraud to customer by not giving accurate pictures and description of the place. I came from India this morning after 16 hours flight and checked in to such place which was so dirty. Just to let you know that I recently recovered from Dengue fever when I was in India (find attached doctor document to my employer) and I didn't want that I will get sick again at such horrible place which was so dirty. I am requesting Sorin (owner) that please clean the place as it's not suitable for yourself and your cats. Kindly refund me the whole amount as I didn't expect this from any listing at such reputed website airbnb. Thanks, Atul"
Dear Mr Atul,
Thanks again for your initial reservation. I am an experienced Airbnb host that has many great reviews of the facilities I provide. As a host, I do realize that everyone has different expectations and I am sorry I was not able to meet yours. I do keep myself available to all my guests so that if any issues arise, I can fix them immediately. My goal is to make sure each and every one of my guests has a pleasant experience. I wish you would have given me an opportunity to fix your issues first. In any case, please contact Airbnb directly and they can help you with any questions you may have.
Then I would have taken pictures and called airbnb about the issue to come to a resolution. Never demean and insult a guest as it just makes you look bad. Personally, I check reviews when staying at Airbnb's for my trips and would never stay witih someone that is unprofessional with their reviews or responses. I believe what has made me successful is that I have managed hotels and apartment buildings for the last 25 years and have gained a lot of experience on how to deal with difficult people. I have had people spit in my face and even threaten to kill me for evicting them from their apartment. I keep my cool and professionalism and never let the guest rattle me. I hope this has been helpful. I am available if anyone has questions or suggestions to my comments.
Have a great day everyone,
Cesar Marin
@Sorin0 you get all types. Every persons definition of what is clean is different. To be honest, in the past 6 years the most problems i have had are from people that have booked the cheapest. For some reason they pay low and have high expectations or possible mental problems. You may have experienced this 🙂
In general you seem to have good reviews and your responses have been great but i fear you may have damaged your reputation by vomitting on this guy. I know its upsetting but to protect your future business just ignore these reviews or just leave a sympathetic one. Something like I am sorry to hear you did not enjoy your stay. I tried my best. For future guests to note i am not in agreeance with most of what has been said.... something like that and just move on.
When it comes to cleaning, most people expect top notch, no matter what price they pay. When i look at your cleanliness rating it is sitting at 3.5 stars on average. This means, that although past guests have generally been happy and written nice reviews, when it comes to them ticking the level of clean, you have not done well, aim to keep at least 4 star average. Please i only say this to help you.
Maybe find a friend who you know is super picky on cleaning and ask them to come over and give an honest impression.
Don´t take this personally but even hotels hire private inspectors to give them this feedback.
Thank you Marcus for taking the time to answer and guide me a little better in my airbnb work !
True, i did have just a few ppl. which upon check in presented themselves with an undisclosed mental illness ...i'm kind of afraid of writers lately haha.. So doing this for just 8months now, i have met many personalities and each person might find a clean thing unclean and viceversa. I wonder if airbnb might use maybe a contractor or even hire a professional to inspect and grade our homes. You know like restaurants do -say Zagat reviews, those are unbiased and given by professionals.
A guest who uses airbnb 1x or 2x in a few years has little knowledge or incentive to know on how this process works. Seasoned guests know, but as airbnb becomes more popular and we get lots of newbies, someone needs to be a really good adult babysitter to make the problematic ones happy...and/or have places not soo cheap such as mine.
I do very through cleaning @ my place, not for the work, it has alwasy been a part of how i function- things such as door knobs, room walls, the stove top small metal burners, a/c filter i clean very regulary. I had done very sensitive work in the past and involved in an activity that reqiures the utmost details to very minor things. I do have some bad fixtures in apt. unpainted or just aged with patina hehe but that is dif. then unclean.
Marcus, i admire your listings, hope one day i have one as such. At that price range i am almost sure this problem we talked about will be non existent. Last, i want to say in season when is busy i got awesome guests from your country !! I wait to get busy again...
I had a guest called Marcos from Uruguay. He was really from hell. Not only did he stay for free for 8 days (because the flat that he had booked was being renovated) but he had his girlfriend stay there, used the washing machine without permission and left a number of lipstick stains on my white Egyptian cotton duvet cover. A dishonest cheapskate who don't belong on Airbnb. I hope he goes to a cheap backpackers next time he comes to cape town in south Africa. From doreen
Yep, cleaning is a difficult one for sure. Our place is 100% spotlessly clean, my favourite mark down for cleanliness was from a guest who went out, left the windows open all night, left all the lights on and then complained there were bugs in the room. Sometimes you just can't win.
BAD GUESTS, **of Jacksonville Fl, a thirty something couple, who were "verified" came to stay and were just the lind of guests that are set to be disappointed. It was written all over their faces as we greeted for the first time. They couldnt figure out the TV ( IN SPITE OF WRITTEN CLEAR DIRRECTIONS) seemed miffed at having to ask. Then proceeded to run microwave, electric skillet, two invection burners at the same time in a small kitchen and tripped the circuit breaker, SURPRISE! They were again upset. They left the place in the worst shape of anyone that has ever been there. plates full of food dumped into the sink, coffee grounds all in the sink, all the wine gglasses all the champagne flutes every single plate cup and bowl... then they went on to the trash ripped the lid off the trashcan, and i guess they flung their coffee and more coffee grounds from across the room because they hit the back wall and baseboards... JUST NASTY VINDICTIVE DIRTY PEOPLE... STEER CLEAR. 5 STAR I DON'T THINK SO.
**[Sensitive information removed in line with - Community Center Guidelines]
not trying to undermine people from indian but i had 3 guests of indian heritage and out 60 good reviews i got 5 bad reviews (4 star) 3 from the indian ethnicity people .
maybe it's something cultural
Use your right to reply please ASAP if your guest, has left youa review.
If your guest review has violated air bnb policies it WILL be removed, otherwise it will remain for public consumption......at least it wasn’t a wishy washy, tree hugging review and least an honest review for other hosts to view.
@Victoria567 Have you read this guy's reviews, though? He has been responding, and he has racist things to say about quite a few ethnicities, it seems. He posted this two years ago, and he's continued to cut a wide swath.