Welcoming all Superhosts

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Welcoming all Superhosts





Congratulations on becoming a Superhost! Your responsiveness and reliability has earned the trust of your guests and they can’t stop talking about your outstanding hospitality.


If you’re new to the Community Center, this is a place to connect with hosts around the world to get insights, share stories, and support one another.


Introduce yourself to other Superhosts below and feel free to share a bit about your home, your region, or your favorite hosting tip. Who knows? Maybe you’ll even make some new friends.


We’re so happy to welcome you as one of our most valued hosts on Airbnb.







Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.

Top Answer
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi Everyone! We're so thrilled to welcome our new Superhosts visiting the Community Center and this thread from 2018! 🌻 Look how far we've come with our amazing Hosts across the globe😉

We congratulate you for this incredible achievement and invite you to introduce yourself on our new Welcome Superhost thread below to share your joy and passion for hosting! 😍





Please follow the Community Guidelines

View Top Answer in original post

5,965 Replies 5,965
Level 1
Windward Islands, French Polynesia



Thank you, I'm a superhost in Papeete, French Polynesia, I'd love to welcome anyone staying for a few weeks or a few months in Tahiti !


Many thanks,



Level 2
Milan, Italy

Evviva!! Finalmente!! Sono arrivata a febbraio in Airbnb! Sono veramente soddisfatta del lavoro fatto!!

Level 2
Montenegro, Colombia

Hello, I am extremely grateful to be part of the Superhost group.
Thanks also to our guests for choosing us and giving us an excellent rating.
You are all welcome to our beautiful apartment on the Colombian coffee route (Close to Cofee Park, Salento and Filandia).

Hola, estoy extremadamente agradecido de formar parte del grupo de Superanfitriones.
Agradecimientos tambien a nuestros huespedes por preferirnos y darnos excelente calificacion.
Son todos bienvenidos a nuestro lindo apartamento en la ruta cafetera de Colombia (Cerca al parque del Cafe, Salento y Filandia).

Level 1
Portsmouth, United Kingdom

Just had the good news that i've made superhost!




A coastal apartment, in Southsea, UK

Level 2
Montenegro, Colombia

Hola, estoy extremadamente agradecido de formar parte del grupo de Superanfitriones.
Agradecimientos tambien a nuestros huespedes por preferirnos y darnos excelente calificacion.
Son todos bienvenidos a nuestro lindo apartamento en la ruta cafetera de Colombia (Cerca al parque del Café, Salento y Filandia).



Level 2
Palau, Italy

Thank you airBNB and thank you to my guests! I am happy and proud to be a Superhost. Welcome everyone to my home in Palau Sardinia Costa Smeralda!

Level 2
Sarlat-la-Canéda, France

Thanks for rewarding our hard work and many thanks to my hosts that were sensitive to our efforts to make them feel at home 😀 I'm located in the beautiful little town of Sarlat in Dordogne in France, a beautiful place to live in and to visit. Good luck everyone !

Level 2
Apulia, Italy

Grazie! Sono Claudia, Puglia, Italia,  e sono davvero super contenta di essermi guadagnata si nuovo la tanto sperata medaglietta😍 per me ospitare e' soprattutto un modo di viaggiare senza muovermi, di conoscere gente interessante e gentile proveniente da ogni parte del mondo oltre- ovviamente- un modo per contribuire al mantenimento della casa che, essendo molto antica, ha bisogno di piccoli interventi ma costanti. Però ringrazio soprattutto i miei ospiti che sono sempre aperti, colti, amanti dell'arte, degli animali e dell'ambiente. ❤️

Level 1
Zürich, Switzerland

Thank you very much - I am a fresh Superhost and enjoy hosting people around the world in my new Airbnb 🙂 

Greetings from Switzerland!

Level 1
Cobaki, Australia

Fabulous! Very excited to be a Superhost for the third year in a row! I went travelling to the UK and Europe recently and booked and stayed with Superhosts along the journey. Great to continue to support each other! 

Level 1
Athens, WV

Thank you. 🙂 

Thank you! 

Level 2
Detroit, MI

Hi everyone! I’m very new to hosting and I LOVE it. It’s so rewarding to make someone feel right at home in your home. 😀


I have my listing in Detroit, MI USA and I’m very proud of it. 

If there’s any way I can assist any of you, don’t hesitate to ask. 

I am very familiar with construction and I’m a master electrician/electrical contractor here in Michigan. 

thanks y’all. 

P. S. I hope I’m using this right. And this isn’t just a response to Lizzie and that this is more of a post. Lol.

Level 2
Albufeira, Portugal

Nós agradecemos muito aos nossos hóspedes pelas opiniões que escreveram sobre os nossos apartamentos, o que nos permitiu chegar ao estatuto de Super host. Nós nascemos e vivemos em Albufeira, no Algarve, gostamos muito da nossa região, temos belas praias, bom clima, boa gastronomia, animação noturna, património histórico, entre outras atrações. É muito interessante receber hóspedes de vários países do mundo, é sempre um privilégio conhecê-los, foi através dos alugueres no Airbnb que isso tem sido possível. Muito obrigada a todos.

Level 2
México D.F., Mexico

Estoy muy contenta de formar parte de esta comunidad, agradezco enormemente el reconocimiento, no ha sido fácil, pero lo he hecho de corazón y seguiré dando mi mejor esfuerzo para que cada huésped se sienta como en su casa, si no fuera por ellos, esto no sería posible, cada una de sus evaluaciones me ha traído hasta acá, ahora veo cuanto ha valido la pena el esfuerzo y dedicación. Ciudad de México es maravillosa y espero vengan a visitar algún día este país y conocer la diversidad en todo su esplendor.

I am very happy to be part of this community, I greatly appreciate the recognition, it has not been easy, but I have done it from the heart and I will continue to do my best to make each guest feel at home, if it were not for them, this It would not be possible, each of your evaluations has brought me here, now I see how much the effort and dedication has been worth it. Mexico City is wonderful and I hope you come to visit this country one day and get to know the diversity in all its splendor.