My issue is still open, it's been an issue since Jan 13th ho...
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My issue is still open, it's been an issue since Jan 13th honestly.The case reopened on March 5th where Airbnb support is dem...
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We encountered the weirdest thing a guest has ever left behind a month ago.
The guest was great; no complaints or problems during the stay, and followed all the house rules.
On the day of check-out, the guest messaged us to let us know they left behind a tasty treat for us to thank us for our great hospitality.
After they checked out, we excitably went to turn over the suite and see what was left behind.....Desert of some sort, you may think...baked goods...fresh bread maybe.
Well..we opened up our fridge to find two live large crabs free-roaming the fridge. Normally getting some free crab would be awesome. We had no idea when they had been caught or how long they had been in there, and where they may have acquired these crabs.
So an easy turnover turned into a wrestling match between my husband and the crabs and how to get them out of the fridge. And the struggle to get the smell out of the fridge.
The guest left a stellar review; we were left scratching our heads as to why they thought this was a good idea.
Just wondering if other people have had weird things guests left behind?
If they are live, they are fresh, right? How cool! I'd write a note to the guests, thanking them and ask those questions. Enjoy!
Normally I would agree. If they asked if we have allergies or even eat meat or even enjoy crab. Or even gave a heads up as we don't always turn over the suite right away and they could have been there for days.
I think leaving a live animal in the suite without proper warning is odd, to say the least. Even if done with the best of intentions.
We did thank them and asked them where they were from and found out they were fished out of a Gorge/bay area where if anything is caught, it is used as bait as best.
Put them back where they belong, in the appropriate area of water!!😊
I had a guest leave a ton of fingernails and toenails behind the bed. Good thing I'm a thorough cleaner. I was disgusted!
Ughh gross. That is not cool! Thank goodness you are, as no one wants to stumble upon that.
Our guest left her fake eyelashes stuck on the wall!
A lovely couple left a brand new box of condoms on the bathroom counter 😁 with a note that said, "We hope someone can put these to good use. Thank you for your hospitality!"
I actually thought it was sweet (safe sex is the key!!) so I put them in my "Emergency Supplies For Guests" cupboard -- you know along with bandages, toothbrushes, tampons -- for other guests.
Sadly, my very next guests took off with the whole entire box. Guess they really were busy! 😂
Along the same lines, I've also found several vibrators. It happens!
No biggie.
Honestly, I'd rather find something normal like that than have toothpaste smeared all over the counter and crackers in the bed and tub. 😑