When is a refund is refused

When is a refund is refused

We stayed in a property recently in wales ,this is what I'm claiming for,however I was told today that Airbnb has advised the host to refuse me a refund,i wont be fobbed off and will continue complaining until a refund as first promised by the host,then after cthey stalled me until time for a refund ran out,then do the dirty on me.

please read.


Rats in the garden our dog chased one away !(with a table to sit at and ''enjoy your food) animal poo and cigarette buts all over the outside .''Parking is 2 streets away if you park outside you get a £35 fine from Cardiff council although there were a few visitor spaces these were always taken and the full street was white marked for residents parking only ,Window in downstairs bathroom would not lock,I had to barricade it with a brush handle,Stair carpet loose,both my sons slipped and hurt themselves,all windows covered with film so no way to look out, my wife couldn't sleep due to trains passing every few mins 24/7 the track is only 5 houses away.None of this was mentioned before we went there and the .Never again.I would like a refund please and I suggest you go and have a look at the place yourself,thankyou Kevin.

3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Kevin3430 The problem you will have is that you continued to stay in the property rather than asking Airbnb to relocate you. Asking for a full refund after the event is akin to finishing a  restaurant meal and then refusing to pay because it wasn't very good.

You may succeed in your claim with Airbnb as they can be a bit random in their decision making though.

Thanks Mike and Jane,these more to this tbh,we were on our way to Cornwall so chose this to stop at,break up the 400 mile journey and see Cardiff at the same time.

After getting to Cornwall 2 days later i messaged airbnb from my phone to 'log '' my complaint.

Anyway once home i got a late evening phone call from the owner ,as well as a few  from her husband and many texts.The phone call was one of the owner literally crying and begging me ,her words to tall airbnb that ''I'm new to the airbnb thing and got it wrong'' as her business was now in jeopardy and she will send me a full refund,even offering more if i did this.I explained i only want the money i paid,and id see what i could do.I fell hookline and sinker,i told abnb i was hasty,the rats were at the rear of the garden and apart from that all was ok,yes i felt sorry for her. I got a reminder from the guy saying they are all waiting for my and they are all in a right state.Anyway abnb contacted them,told them the case is closed,happy days.As for me,no refund and all messages,phone,watsap,facebook they have blocked me ,they threw me under the buss. I was suckered in ,I'm a decent bloke and trusted them,they are both teachers as well would you believe.I would never do this to anyone ,but hey ho some people are rotten.

My wife reminded me,I also got another call from the owner (bloke) asking if I would put on a good feeback,as he would lose bookings if I put a bad one,to that I said I can't blatantly lie,however I could be vague and answer such as . Q :Did you enjoy your stay at such n such's house?A ,Cardiff was lovely,etc etc

hence I haven't put anything as yet,as its only giving me a place to reply to feedback given to me ! But when its all done and dusted I'll put a reply alright.

Latest is ive re opened the case,a specialist team are looking into it,and whatever the outcome,these two deserve to be pulled up and dealt with accordingly they had their chance .I'll never see my £278  again but would like to bring this to warn other prospective users who are looking to stay near Cardiff, if they message me i'll give the airbnb name and location . I won't have my good nature played twice,also I personally have never come across a situation where someone has given their word then kicked me into touch.A persons word should be honoured but there are a lot of sh###sters out there.