@Sheryl197 Perhaps the difficulty some (including me) are having understanding why this is suppose to be an 'issue' in the first place and that supposedly Airbnb is 'too embarrassed to document it' is because your contention is requiring us to do some serious mental gymnastic to even understand this most unusual need to have more than 50 listings on a wish list.
Have you spend any time asking them why they have such a policy? That may proof a lot more interesting and lead more to a two-way discussion than accept very critical contentions of a subject that most of us have probably never even thought of because none of have even had the need.
P.S. A search on this subject in this board comes up with not one post on the subject, except for yours. Perhaps it is a big hit behind the scene you frequent, but not here. Unusual indeed since we do relish open discussion and analysis on this board about any subject.