It looks like your last revew was May 2022? Do you just list the home for a few months in the summer? Do you have someone who can keep an eye on things for you if you are traveling?
I would request photo IDs for all guests staying and ensure they are all actually listed on the reservation. You'll have to make clear what the house rules are and that no one except those listed on the reservation may be on property (no unregistered guests or visitiors). You can make an exception if you like if the ask for approval of a day visitor (no addl overnight guests not on the reservation). The booking guest adds the other guests to the reservation. I would require all the other guests to have an an Airbnb profile, so you can see their names on the reservation, not just "guest".
Even doing the above having college students book long-term stays can be risky. It's up to you if you want to assume the risk. Not sure if you are experienced with long-term stays and how they differ on the plaform, but here is a Guide that might be helpful:
Monthly Stays on Airbnb