Hi, it's my first time booking with airbnb. We are going to ...
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Hi, it's my first time booking with airbnb. We are going to venice and the host has asked through WhatsApp for us to fill in ...
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When I attempt a search in the mobile app exactly like I have done numerous times in recent days, I get the error "You do not have permission to access this resource." I can change the dates and the search works fine. I have logged in properly and can switch between host and traveler options. This search is in the traveler mode. The app just updated an hour or so ago to the latest version.
Any idea what's going on?
Got the same issue. Not getting any new messages, only my Co host can read those messages. Also when I try to access new bookings I get the error message
Happens to me on android app, android Chrome iPad app, iPad safari, iPad chrome and desktop chrome/Firefox.
Happy for any idea
Tried deinstalling the app, clearing data etc.
Hi, I'm using Android app for hosting, getting notifications and sms, but inbox is empty. When I try to reload-get the same error message....This is a huge issue!
Host. Same problem. Works fine on desktop, but Android app is not working.
Was currently removed as the cohost on a property, it started to happen immediately after that moment.
Works fine on desktop in Chrome and Explorer.
Love using the app because I am on the road all the time and like to respond fast to bookings and guests.
Have uninstalled app, no change when reinstalled.
I am getting this error when attempting to leave a review.
I've been having the same problem for a few weeks now. Even if I change from Chrome to Safari, it keeps showing the same problem. same problem in the mobile iOS app. Luckily, we are two hosts, so for a weird reason, my co-host can have access to some messages that I cannot. This is a very annoying problem, the UX for hosts is the worst. i hope airbnb does something about it soon.
The app is even worse than the desktop version. 😞
I'm having the same error except I'm just looking to leave a review for a guest that just left. Airbnb sent me a message to review the guest and when I try I get that error message.
Airbnb says they are aware of the problem and are trying to fix it. It is across the co-host platform.
I'm running into the same issue on the website and mobile app. Very frustraiting. I'm just going to write the host thanking them.
I am having the same issue with leaving a review via the app. I am getting the “you do not have permission to access this resource” message. The lack of app functionality was a serious issue for us when we were on a trip in a rural area without access to wifi/ laptop. The confirmation e-mails from Airbnb which we could access on our phones did not include the home address - it’s too much to explain it all but suffice it to say that we were lucky to have had a 3rd friend with us who had a separate confirmation e-mail/ invitation that arbitrarily included the host address. We were driving rural roads with few lights late at night and with no access to the app info. Now, I am home and attempting to get a review up for our wonderful host...the app is only functional for searching and booking. This thread is too old and too long....GET YOUR APP TOGETHER AIRBNB
I used the desktop version and was able to access the feature. Seems like an app issue.
My co host and I are having the same problem. We are co-hosts on a property. All of a sudden my co host started receiving this error message. Now both of our apps are receiving the error. We are using ios and android. Only solution is to login voa primary host's credentials or use the desktop version.
We spoke with Airbnb but no satisfactory reply from them. It appears to me that Airbnb has no idea about this issue. And i dont think they are following these threads either. This doesnt look good on Airbnb.
I'm having the same issue today and yesterday.
I am a co-host of 2 properties. I can view details and messages from most guest via my IOS app but for the 2 guests that are checking in and checking out today I am getting "Error You do not have permission to access this resource."
This is such a terrible user experience for both host and guest. I've had new guests waiting outside the building for 30 minutes because I didn't get their messages. My cleaning was delayed by an hour because I didn't know the old guest had left already.
The primary host can see all the messages.
I’m having the same issues. Who can I contact ? my trip is this week on Monday but no way in contacting my host. Please help. I’ve updated, rebooted and delete app but nothing seems to work.
“You do not have permission to access this resource”
Airbnb sucks. They are well aware of this problem and, having all the resources they possess, they are not able to fix it. It almost does hosting impossible at the moment