Do you send your house rules to guests prior to checking in?
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Do you send your house rules to guests prior to checking in?
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This is going to be my new cut and paste template. I'm so tired of fielding these and trying to help these IDK whats...dodos?
anyone feel like they're calling offshore call centers when you get asked questions that are completely in-congruent and irrelevant to previous "dialogue"
ignore everything i've typed to try to help you, ask your same question(s), AGAIN, that was already more appropriately addressed in previous and again in subsequent messages. i use the word N-O NO all the time. i don't like to deliver it in a professional environment ( especially in a place where anonymity creates all kinds of entitled karens and crummy escalated-for-no-reason behavior that can get a host trying to be helpful "reported" and then scolded with an all listings indefinite pause.
my bigger fear is that the general public is generally becoming more and more stupid 😞
@Sammy35 I do agree that it appears that there is some sort of stupidity pandemic going on. Maybe some toxin in the environment that kills brain cells?
Aside from this guest Claire not understanding anything about Airbnb policy, it almost sounds to me as if she wasn't receiving any of your messages. That happens sometimes- hosts think guests are simply ignoring the messages, but in fact, they aren't getting them.
I think that creating a saved message for the bozos is a good idea, however what you posted here is far too wordy. It is written up as if you are communicating with someone who actually bothers to read, when they have already made it obvious that they are brain-dead. Pare that message down and word it as if you are speaking to a kindergartner if you wish it to be read.
I've looked at your listings before- they are cute and eclectic, just my style. But you are also far too wordy in your listing info. I can relate- I like to write and want to make everything crystal clear, but we have to understand guests in general have short attention spans, and sometimes feeble brains, so need to condense and simplify, while still getting the point across. Facts and rules, with few explanations.
You are more patient than me @Sammy35 . I would have just declined the booking and reported the 'guest' to Airbnb.