sharing listings with friends

Level 1
Marblehead, MA

sharing listings with friends

I just spent 4 days going around in circles:   I was trying to share a listing of a place I previously stayed, with a friend who will be traveling with me next fall.  At the same time, another friend was trying to share a listing with me of a place she had stayed.   BOTH attempted shares were unsuccessful, multiple attempts...

It turns out that, if a listing I once stayed in is no longer active, I can see it, but I can't share it--  instead, the person I'm trying to share to gets redirected to the main airbnb page.  NOT USEFUL.

The  AirBnB app has obviously been programmed to redirect to the main page--  if it can do that, it can provide a "pop-up" message to re receiver, explaining why she can't see the page I'm sending.


I had to call in to find this out, to solve the mystery, to stop wasting time with multiple attempts.

Top Answer
Level 10
Greenville, SC

It might not be that you stayed, but that the old page is still in your cache. If you clear your cache, you might not be able to see it either.


And yes, it is fairly easy to reroute a URL to another URL. The owner of the listing probably decided to discontinue handling direct bookings.

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1 Reply 1
Level 10
Greenville, SC

It might not be that you stayed, but that the old page is still in your cache. If you clear your cache, you might not be able to see it either.


And yes, it is fairly easy to reroute a URL to another URL. The owner of the listing probably decided to discontinue handling direct bookings.