I just spent 4 days going around in circles: I was trying to share a listing of a place I previously stayed, with a friend who will be traveling with me next fall. At the same time, another friend was trying to share a listing with me of a place she had stayed. BOTH attempted shares were unsuccessful, multiple attempts...
It turns out that, if a listing I once stayed in is no longer active, I can see it, but I can't share it-- instead, the person I'm trying to share to gets redirected to the main airbnb page. NOT USEFUL.
The AirBnB app has obviously been programmed to redirect to the main page-- if it can do that, it can provide a "pop-up" message to re receiver, explaining why she can't see the page I'm sending.
I had to call in to find this out, to solve the mystery, to stop wasting time with multiple attempts.