I noticed that the electricity usage has gone up from £1 a d...
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I noticed that the electricity usage has gone up from £1 a day to £10 a day and got quite alarmed ! I am hosting 2 friends on...
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We just had our first experience of guests who smoked in our Airstream when we have a clear no smoking policy (I have photos of the evidence). I have searched for any info on how to handle or charge for this but not finding anything and unfortunately we're beyond the 48 hour security deposit timeline as it was over the holidays and things were crazy. Anyone have experience with this they can share/thoughts/etc?
Thanks- Jeremy from Malibu
@Lam14 Unfortunately no. I had a guest smoke in my house, and I requested the money for the extra cleaning fee, and not to my surprise, the guest denied smoking inside. I escalated the case to Airbnb and did not receive a response for over a month. Today I finally was told that since they couldn’t get a hold of the guest, they will not be able to reimburse me for the damage.
That begs the question what’s the purpose of the security deposit is if you can’t collect on it. You need the guest to reply first? Makes no sense. The guest even admitted in her messages to me that she had smoked, just outside, even though smoking was prohibited anywhere on my premise.
@John4948 Wow crazy process. I agree with you. Thanks for Sharing. I have now added a stated fine for anyone that smokes in my property. Airbnb Support says this is need for trying to get any reimbusment. Who knows if it will help on my next go around, but last experience i couldn't get reimbursment even though i had photos of cigerette ashes and Cannibis remains that were left on the living room and kitchen tables.
They don't help you. They should be helping hosts more since we are the backbone to making this business survive, but they don't. I never ask for much, but when I run into a problem, they barely lift a finger to help, and instead sometimes penalize you for not following their strict scripted "policies and guidelines". What they fail to realize and fail to train their support staff, is that every circumstance is different and not every circumstance can nor will be able to follow their "policy and guidelines". That excuse is always used in corporate greed. I see it all the time, until companies wind up getting sued.
Hello. Sorry I just saw your reply. Yes I got a bunch of recommendations which I already knew how to do, and about $40 for cleaning supplies. That was about it... Though the guy took off with the key so I had to replace the lock and wound up doing a coded door handle so I don't have to deal with a key anymore, along with being able to change the code. This has allowed more security and not having to worry about keys.
I have banned all smokers - however people still arrive and I see them creep out at strange times of the day to take a stroll !! On their own mostly - leaving their non smoking partners inside our cabin. Today’s guest I spoke to him when he was walking back - he stunk of cigarettes and now he is spending his second night in my smoke free cabin - guess I’m going to have a right job washing everything before my next guests arrive - I’m furious - can we ask them to leave if we smell smoke on them ? Would they demand a refund ? I really would do that !!
If it is in your house rules and in your listing that you only accept non smokers then call Airbnb and they will be removed from your property as they have broken house rules.
I had a guest arrive whom stank of cig smoke, called Airbnb and the guests booking was immediately canceled ... and Airbnb organised somewhere else for them to stay.
Fortunately the guest understood and did not leave a bad review
well yeah, they're allowed to smoke outside still???
It's because of bad guests that I've decided to remove the instant book feature from some my listings. I think that I'll have to go the next step and at least ask potential guests if they are smokers or not. Are we allowed to discriminate based on if a guest smokes or not? Hmmm
I am getting very close to turning off the instant book feature. I took one step closer by adding that instant bookers must have a review first.
According to a google search, as a landlord you have a right to keep your property smoke-free but this may depend on your state law as well:
"Because smokers are not a protected class under federal or state law, as a landlord you can refuse to rent to smokers. In other words, you can reject an application if you are told that the applicant intends to smoke in your rental property.
So, if you are interested in keeping your rental property 100% smoke-free, it is not illegal for you to refuse smoking tenants. It is your right and responsibility to set up and maintain your property the way you want, as long as it is legal."
Airbnb always sied with guests, regardless of what they have done
Yes air bnb is not helpful with almost any issue . I’ve had marijuana let in my house and the gross smell .. how can I take a picture of smell …
I can feel your pain....
I have had few bad experiences including the fact that an extra guest stay for the day and night leaving few minutes after I tried to send the charge for his extra friend, they obviously denied it when they actually where saying good byes almost in front of me. Airbnb wanted me to provide them with pictures. How can I do that when they all inside the property and one of them acting aggressively!?
I have a non smoking policy, and I satate in the house rules that smoking in the flat has a penalty charge of 200€.
I have photos of burned cigarettes of the guest on the living room table (partly burned) airbnb did cover some of the addicional cleaning 25€ but did not enforce the penalty.
really disappointed with airbnb!! And most of all with some people with very bad maners and education
We have the same situation that the number of stayed guests often doesnt match on the reservation and it happens quite often. It is almost impossible to show pictures or proof to Airbnb how many guests that acturally have been staying. Most of the time guests get away with the extra person that not being registered on the reservation. I have started asking guests upfront how many adults and children will be staying in the beginning of the first conversation, so the guest would have to think twice before trying to under count the number of guests.
I have a very strict policy that I only accept non smokers, and this is mention 3 times in the listing and in house rules.
Last thursday I had a late booking and when the guest arrived at 21.15 hrs he stank of cigarette smoke.
He admitted he was a smoker, I was able to contact AirBnB and they immediately cancelled his booking with no refund (Moderate Policy) and rehoused him with another hoste.
Saved me a lot of hassle .... thanks to CS Airbnb
I do feel if you do not want to have smokers in your property then make it very clear in your listing and house rules that you only accept non smokers and if anyone arrives smelling of cigarette smoke you can have them moved on