I was shocked to read that Airbnb co founder Joe Gebbia is j...
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I was shocked to read that Airbnb co founder Joe Gebbia is joining Elon Musk at this new government department which has alr...
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We just had our first experience of guests who smoked in our Airstream when we have a clear no smoking policy (I have photos of the evidence). I have searched for any info on how to handle or charge for this but not finding anything and unfortunately we're beyond the 48 hour security deposit timeline as it was over the holidays and things were crazy. Anyone have experience with this they can share/thoughts/etc?
Thanks- Jeremy from Malibu
I had an issue with a guest smoking, and I requested funds from the damage deposit to cover the additional cost of cleaning, buying supplies to get rid of smell, drycleaning curtains. Guest denied smoking, it went to arbitration, Airbnb sided with the guest, despite me being a host for 5 years with no history of frivolous claims (I'd made one other claim on a damage for payment of an extra night when a guest didn't check out). I had no photo evidence, and you do, so you might have more luck but if the window of opportunity to make a claim has passed......
This is what reviews are for. Mention that the guest broke the rules of your house (trailer) by smoking. That guest will not easily be able to make another booking through airbnb because the rest of us do not want a guest that breaks the rules. That may be all that you can do but it sure would help other hosts to know about this guest.
While I agree with what you are suggesting, it does not deal with the issue of damages. I found this thread because they smoked in our place and it was rented by a family for a member of a wedding party. And my house still stinks.
I agree with both Monica and Craig.
Hotels are able to deduct a "fine" from guests that smoke in non-smoking rooms so we should be able to as well. It is a costly and time consuming process cleaning a room that Stinks from cigarette smoke. The problem is that Airbnb does not want to turn away any potential source of income. The Airbnb's Host Protection Insurance is an obvious marketing ploy. Just like most US insurance providers, Airbnb will do anything to avoid paying on a claim.
So we can not depend on Airbnb to have our backs. Until a short term rental site is created that will look out for it's hosts, we must do as Monica suggests. Everyone, note in your guest reviews if a guest is a smoker. Also put it in your house rules that you are a non-smoking/non-smoker property.
A guest arrived last night stinking to high heaven of cigarette and pot. Nice guy but I am now dreading the cleaning that awaits at the end of his stay. If he does smoke in the room, I will ask him to leave.
Note to everyone here that is or has been a smoker or lived with a smoker. You can not smell cigarette smoke like a person who has never smoked. So recommending opening a window is not really a practical answer to this issue. Imagine that your home was located at a ski resort and it was far below freezing outside. Not practical.
Use the Guest reviews people!
Since Airbnb does not side with the host we should create a host language to label the guest. The idea might seem a little bit crazy.
For guest who smoked we should write GSMKD!
For guest who checked out very late GCHKLT!
What do you think guys?
Brian - I like your idea of using acronyms, especially due to Airbnb decision not to treat property owners fairly. I find it very disheartening that Airbnb does not stand behind the property owner’s, when it is an obvious case of guests mistreating the homeowners property. Without property owner’s Airbnb would not have a business, just as important as the customers being happy. Therefore, each complaint should be treated as a case by case fairly.
Based on experience, if you are a property owner with good standing and not disputing every
Small negative comment, chances are Airbnb will side and agree with the property owner.
But, agree, there are times, Airbnb can be frustrating when those guests who complain about insignificant items are validated by Airbnb. Such as; homeowners did not provide deodorant, hairspray, female hygiene products, baby wipes, etc.... seriously, homeowners should not be expected to provide personal hygiene products 😁 and unfairly rated low, because of situations as these. ( These type of guest should be rated as “PINTA” ( Pain In The Ass) 😜just a note: Hygiene Products, such as; Toilet paper , absolutely should be provided to guests.
Sorry for for the Rant!
thats too much, might as well be straight up with it
If you trash their account with bad reviews, they'll just create another one. I have had so many that book mine with 0 reviews. Airbnb doesn't give a crap, it's not their place and they having nothing to lose by siding either way. There's probably 10 Airbnb's they add to every one they lose.
That's exactly the problem I had. These guys smoked and trashed the place. I provided pics and everything. I did get a small amount of compensation - enough to cover cleaning products - but these party animals don't care because they create an account to get the place to party, and then never use the account again, and eventually open another one. It's a joke...
I also had a similar issue. The guest was a chain smoker. Told me she smoked but promised to smoke outside. Well, she smoked in her room after going to bed and early in the AM, opened the window all the time with my air conditioning (in Florida) on so there was a extra expense for air conditioning going out the window plus I had to air out the room in very hot weather, clean everything made out of cloth in the room and shampoo the rug / wash the walls. ALL for a 4-night stay with an irritating woman who complained about evrything. It was a nightmare! I have a 5-star rating and couldn't risk her complaining about things like a moth flying into the house when she was opening up the back door every 10 minutes to smoke outside at night. SHE let the moth fly in! She also wanted to raid my fridge at any time all day and night! I said no. The continental breakfast I provide took her 2 and a half hour to eat because she ate everything in sight! It was madness! Nothing seemed to make her happy and she remarked about everything in my home including me in a negative insulting way.
I called Airbnb and they said I would need proof about the smoking. I had no idea what I could do about that within 48 hrs. She also damaged a stereo I had in there that used to work fine. It no longer does. I turned off Instant Book because I never, never, never want to allow this woman to book here again.
I am now considering not letting people book who are smokers even if they promise to not smoke inside. They don't seem to care about the rules or anyone elses comfort at all.
I had the same issue. The guest was not responsive at all during their stay and when I got the house back they clearly had a big party! Smoked marijuana in the basement and smoked cigarettes in the house. I spent over $400 for additional cleaning fees to get the smoke out of fabric, walls, etc. Airbnb was not helpful at all! I have never made a claim before, but this one was very important to me as I am asthmatic, so I cannot have this happen at all in my house. The guest never responded to me or airbnb and got away with it. They walked off without getting penalized, no review was posted because they never wrote a review for me so theirs doesn't show up, and airbnb told me smoking is not considered damage. I had to open the windows! I almost stopped being a host completely.
Just repeating what Monica has said above.
This is what reviews are for. Mention that the guest broke the rules of your house by smoking. That guest will not easily be able to make another booking through airbnb because the rest of us do not want a guest that breaks the rules. That may be all that you can do but it sure would help other hosts to know about this guest.
I have found that youre review for the guest will still go through after the two week period, even if the guest has not posted a review for you.
I just had this issue. These guys rented for two days and I let them ahead of a family coming in the day after. I have it posted in my listing, In my welcome letter and I verbally stated to not smoke in the house. This guy said straight to my face OK no problem. When the tenant downstairs started to smell the smoke from both pot and cigarettes she called me and I immediately texted him. He said OK understood in these idiots continue to smoke. I have not reviewed yet but he’s definitely getting a severe bad review and I’m going to see if Airbnb will do anything. I have pictures of cannabis everywhere and tobacco leaves all over the apartment so hopefully this will help. It has been nothing but a pain and a grueling effort to try to remove the smoke completely and I had to wash everything. I can still slightly smell it in one bedroom. The family is coming in today so I am hoping washing the walls in that room down with baking soda and lemon juice or vinegar will get rid of it. I have left the windows open all night. Leaving windows open helps but it doesn’t fix the problem. These guys were polite and friendly on the forefront, but they were nothing but self centered defiant jerks!!!
@Jim1464 Did Airbnb help you at all to get reimbursed for the smoking violation? Was there any recourse for you?
i just had guests smoke in my property 😞