who in australia is a senior airbnb manager i had a wanted criminal stay in my listing cause all sorts of ploblems inc guests/my safety

Level 2
Victoria, Australia

who in australia is a senior airbnb manager i had a wanted criminal stay in my listing cause all sorts of ploblems inc guests/my safety

I have rung airbnb over 4 times lodged a resolution claim and have not been able to go back to the property yet, and no response from airbnb after 3 weeks yes 3 weeks!


Tomorrow im ringing 3aw and making it all public about the disgraceful lack of support for host safety from airbnb.


Yes police were called etc but nothing from Airbnb re my concerns. Nothing and im a 150k+ host

4 Replies 4
Level 10


I dont' know the specifics about your case so I cna't comment but very unfortunatley it's not at all uncommon to hear complaints like this - very lenghty delays, a complete lack of communication, hosts left uninformed.

I think ringing the radio station is an excellent idea, especially if you can be pithy, factual and unemotive.

The company hates bad press

Some hosts report that they get better quality support by using Twitter if that's any help

Hope this is sorted for you soon


Level 10
Anchorage, AK

Message Airbnb on Twitter.

Level 10
Dublin, Ireland


Australia & NZ Country Manager

Susan Wheeldon 


Not allowed to post email addresses here, but Airbnb staffers' email addresses typically consist of their first name, dot, second name, then @ the company name, dot com. 



Homeowner in quiet suburb taht recently had AirBnB start in a place behind my home.


Got broken into (my door and window still broken), savinsg to fix the electric wiring, hot water system stolen, my belongings gone.


The second time the burglars actually came from the direction of teh AIrBnB, and a piece of my box that contained my belongings was foudn in their bin (in teh daylight, after I asked the 'catsitter' living in the bottom, who I now realised is probably the boyfriend of teh 'host').


*sorry for any typos, etc, eyesnot working properly.


Asked AirBnB for help tracking down possible leads as the men staying the IArBnB in preceding weeks had been staring at me and my place (I escapaed DV, so kept telling myself not to be paranoid. Well, seems my radar was 100% right!).


AirBnB are stonewalling me.


So my question to Paul661 is, DID AIrBnB help you with your sitaution/ problem? Or as it a waste of time trying to contact them?


Asking as I asked the local council what will it take for the rules to change? We lcoals are NOT rich, NOT equipped to deal with questionable AirBnBers (I had no problem with normal, decent people, but not burglars, rapsist, homocidal maniacs).


Unlike hotels, which have resources, etc, to put on security, CCTV, etc, I cant even scrap togetehr the monety to fix my window/ door (I'm lying awke on the floor between the broken window and door, jumping at every little sound because the burglars AH coem back one already to try again. Police knew, but no extra patrol or anything. I scared them off by hitting my scissors against my metal watering can - I can't speak).