why our Villa name doesn't appear on the AIRBNB booking engine
why our Villa name does not appear when searching for it in the booking engine on AIRBNB, is there a setting in the Airbnb listing that we should do? maybe there is a factor because the search is more frequent than other Villas? thank you for helping
Are you still experiencing some difficulties with this? As Helen mentioned, we cannot see your listing so it is difficult to check this for you. Would you be able to share the link to it with us please?
I also wanted to share this Help Center article with you, which explains in a bit more detail how the search results work: How search results work
You can check whether you've activated your listing.
On the app, go to the Listings tab and click your listing. In the top right corner is the settings icon. When you click it, the 1st option is Listing Status. This should be set to "Listed".