guest reimbursement

Level 2
Lecce, Italy

guest reimbursement


I have had a cancellation by a guest, well in advance of their arrival time (6 weeks.) I followed Airbnb's suggested action and "returned" 50% of the client's payment, and the resolution has been closed.  However I found the entire process quite confusing, as it sounded like I had to "pay" (out of my own pocket) the client this fee.  As I will not receive payment by Airbnb until 24 hours after my guest has checked in, wouldn't it be better to specify that it is NOT a payment, but a cancellation of a future payment?


Also, again having followed Airbnb's suggested action, I only approved payment of 50% of the client's fee.  Since they have cancelled well in advance, I would have liked to return their entire payment, minus Airbmnb's fee.  Is it still possible to do this, even after the resolution is resolved?  I do not approve of accepting a client's money for a room that they will not use, especially after giving me ample time in advance for their cancellation.



I look forward to your advice.



1 Risposta 1
Level 2
Romola, Italy

Hi, John

you'll receive payment from Airbnb only 24 hours after expected check-in date.

If you want reimbourse your guest, you can do it in /resolutions section.



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