Okay looking at the listing available your overall average is below the Airbnb Standard of 4.8 that is hurting you. I can see you seem to have been making changes as you are aware. Now we have to get you back up to the standard.
The basement bedroom the picture of the passage to the area to be honest looks like I have to go through an organized but a basement storage area. Beautify a little. Maybe some fake plants, a nice piece of furniture a stand up mirror off Amazon does wonders right now I just see storage. A headboard your not using makes a guest think an area not really paid attention too maybe not as clean as other areas and is it really as valuable as rest of areas rented? Better lighting and more part of the house and living area.
You need to build your own traffic until your average is higher. Turning on Instabook Airbnb Search will display you higher. This is a feature you can turn on and off. I suggest I increase my days notification and minimum days, to help avoid the bad guests.
Use Airbnb Custom Discount if the discount is 20 % then Airbnb will market. Even if your market is 5 day rentals do a di8scount for 2 days. Then also next week a new custom discount a new 2 days a new marketing.
Airbnb Search looks at traffic along with overall review.
Also make small changes to listing regularly. You want date modified to regularly update so Airbnb Search reads updated not old.