Buongiorno, qualcuno saprebbe dirmi se Comfy Host Roma è aff...
Buongiorno, qualcuno saprebbe dirmi se Comfy Host Roma è affidabile come società di pulizie? Grazie in anticipo a chiunque sa...
Am a new host and i am unable to preview my listing. I am getting this error'Service request authorization error: you do not have permission to access this resource.(atatus code 403)'
Answered! Go to Top Answer
Your listing is not fully published yet (takes upto 24 hours) or more likely is seems the listing is suspended by Airbnb. Then contact Airbnb if no message about the suspension is received.
Hi @Juliet616 !
It looks like your listing is posted now. For future reference, this post explains how you can get in touch with Airbnb: https://community.withairbnb.com/t5/Help/Guide-How-to-contact-Airbnb/m-p/1523731
I hope that helps!
Have the same error code 403 ((( please help
Hello I am having the same issue.
I can no longer find. This is the link I was given to share with friends and family to rent this property. Is this property no longer available?