I love my location on the outskirts of Asheville, NC (Waynes...
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I love my location on the outskirts of Asheville, NC (Waynesville) because it is close to the mountains and the city at the s...
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I have cheap booking prices, so therefore I charge multiple extra services on the side and I charge $5 for using our washing machine and I don’t include detergent. Should I include it and charge more or less or not include it? And is the price too high? What are people’s opinions?
PS. My listing is based in Honduras not USA.
The problem with cheap listings is, @Daniel1127, that often we (I am also such) attract guests that would like a lot for as little as possible. I have not charged anyone yet but I am tempted to do so, especially having seen some people from Asia washing all their stuff within 2-3 day stays.
I do provide detergents.
I only allow guests staying for more than 1 week to use my washing machine for 1 load per week. There is no extra charge and I provide the detergent & fabric softener. For guests staying shorter periods, I'd be willing to add a few of their things to my own personal load but I would not allow a guest staying 3~4 days to do their own full load of laundry.
I think a load at the laundromat cost about $5~6 and also same amount again for the dryer. Some places provide detergent other places you have to bring or buy your own. I suggest you look at what nearby laundromats would charge and decide what to do. Also, I think if you have a washing machine guests can use it's better to provide the detergent 🙂
If a guests is staying with me for a long time - my current one will stay with me 3 weks, she is moving to London so looking for a place to live long term - when I change their towels, I tell them that I can add things of similar coulour to the wash (towels are dark grey / dark green).
Same with the bedding, when I wash their bedding, I ask if they have anything of similar coulour - bedding is pastel colours.
I would also allow a wash a week, if they ask nicely, for free.
I would provide soap
Do i have to pay double if i flush the toilets twice everytime during my stay ?
Following your logic, @Lilian20, we would have to charge more for excessive usage of shower water. And actually I have seen hosts' descriptions with such clauses. 😉
When you are charging $17 AU per night, you don't have a lot of 'wiggle room' in there to be providing yet more un-paid extras. I notice that you list 42 Amenities that you provide, and to do that for $17 per night is, to me, quite staggering....how do you make anything out of hosting at all without getting a lot of complaints??
My feeling is Daniel you don't have a choice, you need to charge an addtional amount for the use of your washer and detergent and just about anything else you may offer.
I don't know that you are going about this the right way Daniel! Potential guests do not like to be hit with additional fees everytime they draw breath. It is better to set a realistic hosting fee and offer guests these services, than charge additional for them. I think a lot of your reservations would stall at the check-out page when a prospective guest finds out that that $51 three night getaway has turned into $350 package.
Daniel, it has been my experience that the less a guest expects when they book my property the more they are delighted with what they get.
I don't charge extras........ I don't charge a cleaning fee. I don't set a security deposit, I don't charge for the cheese plate or the beer in the fridge and I don't charge for them to use the washing machine or the detergent....
I price all of that into my listing amount, and that is why I have a string of great reviews.
Maybe you should revamp your listing profile to price in a few extras and allow for them in the cost or else @Lilian20's comments will be typical of what you will get...I think they are very valid!
Thanks @Robin4 of course i was only joking,,
@Daniel1127 anyway, my view is that depending on the situation (and how complicated it can get to manage) it can make complete sense to include everything.
In other situations, it might be preferable to put a cost on each facility.
Up to you, you are the host.
Yes I know you were joking mate, but the fact that you mentioned it means that it crossed your mind.....just as it did mine!
I hope all is well with you Lilian, I haven't had the pleasure of talking to you for a long time.
Hosting here is going well. Have a look at my March calendar as it stands at the moment....
I don't even get the chance to go out in the back garden and drop a f*rt in private any more!!
Never thought at the age of 73 I would be a full time hotelier, but I am enjoying it Lilian.
All the best mate.....cheers......Rob
I love your "drop a f*rt in private" expression!!!!!!! I am totally going to remember this one and will use it myself some day~~~~ haha!
Glad to hear business is booming 🙂 Henry and I are enjoying our current guest very much and it looks like my sister will be staying in our guest room for the summer so we will have to take a break from hosting while she stays with us.
Cheers @Robin4 - well done with this month ! keep up the good work,
I've been busy with moving to BCN - i'm glad to have more spare time at hand to get back to you,
by the way if anyone noticed that my usual nick " Simply traveling the world VIP " has been changed to " Lilian " that's because my contact at airbnb asked me to do it so that my new listing can be published :
Thanks for adding to your fav list, because this listing desperately needs it.
You know i love Search Engine Optimisation so I've also started a quick blogspot to promote my #barcelona #airbnb #experience you can find it here :
Let me know what you think
You all know what? Just walked around my place and remembered that yet another problem is drying those clothes. In many countries in winter it is not that easy. And dryers consume some electricity. Who should pay for that?
In my experience, a male in their early 20s from US or Europe are the absolute worst when it comes to laundry. One of my guests from last year and also based on horror stories I hear from my sisters who are both living abroad..... guys either use the washer nearly every day (always less than 10 items, even if you count each individual sock separately) and NEVER think to use the energy/water saving option when selecting the wash option or they dump so many clothes into one load they break the machine.
I remember seeing on a few tv shows, there are always these guys (its ALWAYS the boys!!!!) who have gone off to college and live in a dorm, but they bring their laundry home for their mother to wash, dry, and fold it all up neatly.
And in Korea, dryers are quite rare in typical homes - considered a luxury!!! I have drying racks 🙂
The most excessive users of my washing machine have been Asians, though - either directly from their countries or living somewhere else.