Archiving an old listing

Level 2
Fish Camp, CA

Archiving an old listing

How can we contact support to update the platform. We absolutely need an option to be able to hide or archive old listings so that they don't show up everywhere.  They should be able to create some sort of folder to place these in.

Top Answer
Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hey @Cheryl166


Did you manage to get your listings sorted? 

If not, to expand on @Helen3's comment, to delete or suspend old listings on Airbnb, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Airbnb account and go to the hosting dashboard.
  2. Select the listing you want to delete or suspend from the list of your active listings.
  3. Look for the "Manage Listing" or "Edit Listing" option and click on it.
  4. In the listing management settings, you should find a section where you can deactivate or suspend the listing.
  5. If you want to permanently delete the listing, there may be an option to do so in the settings. Keep in mind that deleting a listing is irreversible, and you will lose all associated data and booking history.
  6. If you want to temporarily suspend the listing instead of deleting it, look for the option to deactivate or suspend without deleting. This will remove the listing from search results and prevent new bookings while keeping the data and settings intact.
  7. Confirm your decision to delete or suspend the listing when prompted.



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2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

You can delete or suspend old listings @Cheryl166 



Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hey @Cheryl166


Did you manage to get your listings sorted? 

If not, to expand on @Helen3's comment, to delete or suspend old listings on Airbnb, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Airbnb account and go to the hosting dashboard.
  2. Select the listing you want to delete or suspend from the list of your active listings.
  3. Look for the "Manage Listing" or "Edit Listing" option and click on it.
  4. In the listing management settings, you should find a section where you can deactivate or suspend the listing.
  5. If you want to permanently delete the listing, there may be an option to do so in the settings. Keep in mind that deleting a listing is irreversible, and you will lose all associated data and booking history.
  6. If you want to temporarily suspend the listing instead of deleting it, look for the option to deactivate or suspend without deleting. This will remove the listing from search results and prevent new bookings while keeping the data and settings intact.
  7. Confirm your decision to delete or suspend the listing when prompted.



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