Can I get a report that shows my historic calendar availability?

Level 2
Glasgow, United Kingdom

Can I get a report that shows my historic calendar availability?


For tax purposes I need a report that shows how many days a year my calendar was available.

I can't see further back than mid 2018 in earnings where it has a #booked and #unbooked nights. I need it back about 5 years though.

Can anyone point me to where I can get that information?

Thank you!

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


The list of reservations has a filter option for previous years. Then you can download (export) it to CSV file. I tried in for 2016, it worked, but you first need to list them all first for whole year, before exporting it .It contains booked nights


Same for transaction History, choose time period and download CSV file.


Unfortunately the section "earnings" in menu "performance" does show earnings and graph for years before year 2018,  but is not listing booked/unbooked nights (they are set to zero).