Change of business owner

Level 2
Beachport, Australia

Change of business owner

If I have sold my business and new owner will take over management of all current listings can I snooze my listing and add new owner is as team member so she can still host the current reservations until the last one checks out at the same time the new owner have a live listing for the same properties. 

3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Kath30 That does seem to be a way of getting around the rules that do not allow transfer of bookings when a property is sold.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

It's not ethical to do this as the guest has booked based on your reviews and ratings but as Mike says this sounds like it might worth as long as you're happy with the risk of getting bad reviews on your profile. 


You haven't sold  your business you have sold your house . Airbnb listings are non transferable. 

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Kath30  As Helen says, this is unethical unless you notify the booked guests that  the property has been sold and there is a new host and give them the choice to cancel with a full refund if they don't want to take a chance on an unproven newbie host.


If the new owner isn't a newbie, bit has other listings and reviews, you could let the guests know that and direct them to that host's profile.