
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Do you have books for your guests?

Level 10
Vermont, United States

Do you have books for your guests?

Curious if other hosts have reading material/books for their guests, in my case I love reading books, and pictured below is the little library in  my guests cottage. several of my guests have mentioned how wonderful it was that they were able to read a book during their retreat.

I have found that having books are great for long and short term stay guests and also I have noticed they are read more frequently in rainy and snow filled days.

Share your book story and or picture of your library.



Top Answer
Level 10
Clearwater, KS

@Rubén16 This is my first time commenting in the community but have done lots of reading on the forum. My husband and I started hosting a room in our home in September 2018. I like seeing that others have books and games for their guests to read and play. Right outside our guest bedroom we have a bookshelf that guests are free to take and/or leave a book. However, in the family room we have a personal collection of books that guests are free to read while here. 


I am also a lover of board games, so have placed a shelf full of games out for people to enjoy while here.





“It’s not where you go, it’s who you meet along the way.” Wizard of Oz

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60 Replies 60
Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

@Rubén16, thanks. I have bought more since that was taken. If I had small children to stay I wouldn't have that many or with lots of little bits. But as my target is primarily adults, they seem to keep it under control. Last thing you want to find on check out is a load of games components everywhere. I speak from experience. I keep games that vary in players, from one player and up. Trying for something for everyone! Except small children, nothing for them as I don't host any.


If you are a host of small children, I would have the adult games up high, and the kids ones low down on separate shelf.

Level 10
Westcliffe, CO

Nice topic @Rubén16. Yes, I've always been a collector of books and think of them useful obviously to read, but also have always thought they add a nice touch decor wise, especially in cabins such as yours and mine. They seem to add that little something extra and fit with a snowy day by the fire in the mountains.


Along with magazines such as High Country News, Backpacker and National Geographic as well as an assortment of games, many people send me private feedback thanking me for having so many books in the space. 


Among my books, I have moved many of the titles concerned with nature, travel, and classic fiction as well as an assortment of others. Recently, I've made an effort to pick up a few children's books whenever I'm at Goodwill. 



Level 10
Vermont, United States

@John1080  That is a nice collection of books, I think my next book to read is going to be the one you have on your photo "American Indian Myths and legends" have you read it? 

Also what kind of games do you have for your guests?


@Rubén16, thank you!


Yes, 'American Indian Myths and Legends' is a great book and I'd recommend it. Besides thrift stores, a great site everyone is:|dc&pcrid=230560015175&pkw=thriftbooks&pmt=e&plc=&pgrid... which has many titles at $3.79.  


For games, I have several I've picked up at thrift stores and also, for everyone, there is a great website:  They specialize in online estate sales and have pages all over the country. I have gotten a lot of my boardgames there, but you can also find many other things as well. 


I have Trivial Pursuit, Scrabble, Monopoly, etc as well as cards, Uno, dominos. 




Level 10
Vermont, United States

@John1080  Thanks for the wealth of information the 2 web sites are going to be very useful to me and other hosts( I am going to look at them soon), and your list of board games.

Level 10
Vermont, United States

@Sandra126  Having games for different number of players, and putting childrens games on the lower shelves are great ideas thanks for the suggestions.

Level 10
New York, NY

56-minimoon-768x512@2x.jpgDiagonair_CABIN_Loft_Record_Player copy.jpg

@Rubén16 Great thread!  "Books do furnish a room," as Anthony Powell titled one of his novels, and I couldn't live anywhere without them.  Here is a shot of one listing's bookcase.  My girls grew up going to the other house in the summers, so there are lots of books and children's books, jigsaw puzzles, and games, all the classics, from Clue to Scrabble.  And then - who among people of our age doesn't have a lot of albums that we can't quite part with?  So I got a record player and put it in the cabin, which is mostly booked by millennials.  🙂

Level 10
Vermont, United States

@Ann72  That is an amazing collection of books! which one is your favorite? Also is that you on the picture of the Hullabaloo record? 🙂


@Rubén16 LOL, yes, of course, and that's what I look like to this day!  🙂


I have so many favorite books!  But I would have to say that "Plainsong" by Kent Haruf and "Great Expectations" by Dickens are up near the top.

Level 10
Vermont, United States

@Ann72  I thought that was you:) The way you are standing on your profile picture and the Hullabaloo are almost identical:)


@Rubén16 Busted!

@Ann72, gorgeous room! Also, love the record player! 

Thanks, @John1080 !  Got it at Restoration Hardware years ago.  But now that millennials are so into vinyl, they're sold everywhere - I believe the brand is Crosley.

Level 3
Wilmington, NC

I have an historic, downtown home. I have a small bookcase filled with books, mainly picture books, of local history in the guest suite. No one has said anything but I've noted that the pages have gotten a lot of ware over the past year so my guests are reading about local history of the place they're visiting!

Level 10
Wellington, New Zealand

What a fantastic thread @Rubén16 !


It’s funny because adding books has been on my list of things to do for a few weeks but I haven’t got around to it yet. We addded 3 one-pot cook books to inspire people to maximise our little kitchenette during their stay. But we haven’t added general reading books yet.


My problem is trying to decide what books to add. I read myself but I’m all about fantasy fiction, which isn’t everyone’s bag. Plus all my books are collector copies I brought with me from the UK, some are sentimental, and I’m not prepared to share them.


As a start, yesterday I ordered a box set of the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, to put into the cottage. But I’d love some advice on what other genres I should cover with a small collection.