Editing my listing description

Level 1
South Africa

Editing my listing description

Hi, I'm a new host on Airbnb.  Please could someone help me with where/how I edit the description of our home?  I want to add the pizza oven on.  Thanks

1 Best Answer

@Lauren4229 you can look ook for a section labeled "Listing details" and edit your listing amenities. But if you don't see the specific option to add a specific pizza oven, you can add the oven to your listing amenities and mention it in your listing description. Hope this helps! 

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1 Reply 1

@Lauren4229 you can look ook for a section labeled "Listing details" and edit your listing amenities. But if you don't see the specific option to add a specific pizza oven, you can add the oven to your listing amenities and mention it in your listing description. Hope this helps!