Excessive Toilet paper usage, what am I required to provide for guest

Level 2
Virginia Beach, VA

Excessive Toilet paper usage, what am I required to provide for guest

Hi, I had 4 guests who checked in last night at 11pm, this morning I was to meet the guests and familiarize them with the area and home. The guests asked about , requiring more toilet paper. I was amazed that 4 people could go through 4 rolls of toilet paper in less than 9hours, and they had gone to sleep when they arrived, and had just woken up the hour prior to my arrival. How much toilet paper should I be required to provide. My guests are only in the house for 3 days, if they go through 4 rolls in 9 hours, that's 32 rolls by the end of their stay.....help

Top Answer
Level 3
Perth, Australia

We rent out whole houses not rooms in our house and we clearly put in the description that there is toilet paper on arrival but that guests are expected to purchase their own after they use what's in the house. We have had the same problems before with one guest who went through 4 rolls in one day. Also most of our guests stay a week to 4 weeks and they can't expect us to drop off a truck load each week. Good luck.

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54 Replies 54
Level 10
Panglao, Philippines

Its just part of hosting. Your option? Post a notice about usage? In reality this happens every now and then and the cost is minimal. Same with shampoo etc

I am often amazed at how 2 adults over the course of a weekend can exhaust 3 rolls of toilet paper.  Are they eating it?  


Imagine all the ways people waste it - blowing their nose, taking off their make up, wrapping up their monthly femine products into neat, tidy bundles, lining the toilet seat before sitting down,  stuffing their bras, winding it around breakables in their luggage, cleaning off the countertop, drying their foreheads,.... the list could go on and on besides the obvious copious use of tissue to clean their bums.  


LOL. They also use it to wrap used items that you don't wanna know about... goodness, it is all part of hosting,  perhaps they spilt something, how wonderful that they cleaned it up! if not for all that toilet paper, it would be left to you..... Take it as a compliment. remember when you used to sneak that little bit of extra soap from the hotels?... and the shower cap you didn't need but thought was cute anyway..?  Check out the Sorbent tissue ad, perhaps they snuck in a baby Labrador.

@Alice-and-Jeff0, love your post. Lets solve more of the [g]hosting mysteries..........

Regards, Christine.

I have one who has gone through 4 toilet rolls in a week, one box of tissues, two boxes of candies, managed to clog the toilet so I had to call the plumber, broke the cloche to cover food, broke an antique bookend, broke my kettle, asked me to do two loads of wash for her yesterday - no problem because she hadn't in a week, now has asked me to do another two loads for a bra, a towel, a pair of panties and socks (half white, half colored) and I make it clear that I am environmentally aware - and she is here for a month. I will NEVER EVER AGAIN accept a month long guest. What a nightmare.

๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ™ @Charlene0


I had a couple go through 5 rolls in 2 days even though they were out seeing the sights most of the time.  


I wonder what the record is ?

One couple, six rolls in two days. They arrived at 3 p.m. on Tuesday and on Thursday morning they were telling me that they already had to buy some. Now incorporating the statement " paper products supplied upon arrival, once depleted guest is expected to supply additional."

Level 10
Austin, TX

@Laura179 I can't spare a square.

(Sorry. An ancient Seinfeld reference.)

Level 3
Perth, Australia

We rent out whole houses not rooms in our house and we clearly put in the description that there is toilet paper on arrival but that guests are expected to purchase their own after they use what's in the house. We have had the same problems before with one guest who went through 4 rolls in one day. Also most of our guests stay a week to 4 weeks and they can't expect us to drop off a truck load each week. Good luck.

@Amber18, ok, so I see that you sometimes deliver homemade cake, but not extra toilet paper........ are they patty cakes? they come with extra paper.

Just say'n.... #: )


That was a great answer, so I incorporated your idea into my manual, ie TP provided upon arrival, then guest is responsible for additional. It's worked out great. No excessive TP usage anymore LOL

I was thinking of that advert, Andrex? Long time ago and forgot about the spoof.


I have noticed that there is a significant difference in usage between the sexes. About 5 to 1.


Ha-- this is funny-- well, not funny.

I stopped buying the luxy, cushy TP and started putting the 1000 sheet, 1-ply in the baths-- The paper use went down dramatically-- I make up for it by leaving a pretty TP oragami when a new guest arrives-- They are like "are you f'ing kidding me?" 



hahahha nice

I noticed the same. So I just buy 2 types of TP. The guests and my friends only see the crappy (lol) one. Then I keep the comfy hidden for me โค๏ธ

My pocket said 'thank you'