Hey everyone ,
I truly believe that preparing your list...
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Hey everyone ,
I truly believe that preparing your listing for the upcoming season is important to ensure a great guest ...
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Hello all, this is my first time hosting. I live at my house during the week and will be offering my Airbnb on the weekends and then come January probably more. What do I do about food in the refrigerator, my clothes in the closet, things that are personal belongings?
You need to clean all these things out. Just leave staples in your fridge.
Get a lockable room or cabinet and put all of your personal things. Clean all the food in the refrigerator, leave only basics like salt, pepper, oil, coffee and any other things that it's useful and that you would like to find in a accomodation.
Our apartment has two rooms; we keep one of them locked with our personal belongings, items we prefer not to share.
hi you have to take everything out of the fridge and also out of the pantry take out the opened packages, they look really bad in my opinion. I use a closet in the hallway, not having a real storage room, where I put things and then I lock it. I hope I was helpful. Good job!!
hi you have to take everything out of the fridge and also out of the pantry take out the opened packages, they look really bad in my opinion. I use a closet in the hallway, not having a real storage room, where I put things and then I lock it. I hope I was helpful. Good job!!
[Google translation added by OCM]
Hello @Erika1291, thank you so much for joining our Community Center! We wish you all the success in your new hosting journey.
Based on our hosts' suggestions, what are your plans for your personal belongings? Are you planning to clean out the refrigerator and leave it empty, or will you leave some items as a welcome gift for your guests?
Please keep us posted 😊
Good morning! Everything is fine here, I hope everything is fine there too.
If the items in question are of very high sentimental or monetary value, simply place them in a closet or room and close them, this will depend on the quantity.
[Format edited by OCM]
Essen, vorausgesetzt, es ist ansehnlich, würde ich im Kühlschrank lassen und die Gäste auffordern sich zu bedienen. Ohne die Aufforderung trauen sich die meisten Gäste nicht, fühlen sich aber um den Platz im Kühlschrank betrogen. Als "Willkommensgeschenk" wird es dagegen gerne angenommen.
Die persönlichen Dinge und Sachen von Wert müssen in abgeschlossene Räume (Garage, Keller) gebracht werden.
@Otto138 I would leave food in the fridge, assuming it is presentable, and ask the guests to help themselves. Without the request, most guests don't dare to do so, but feel cheated out of the space in the fridge. As a "welcome gift", however, it is gladly accepted.
Personal items and valuables must be put in locked rooms (garage, basement).
[Google translation added by OCM]
Bonjour Erika,
Pour moi, il suffit quand même de vider votre frigo , je pense que les voyageurs apprécieront. Pour les vêtements, vous pouvez les réunir dans un endroit ou placard fermé à clés avec vos objets personnels.
Bonne journée
Google Translation added by Community Manager:
Hello Erika,
For me, it's enough to empty your fridge, I think travelers will appreciate it. For clothes, you can put them together in a locked place or cupboard with your personal items.
Good day