I’m on the market for a new gas dryer for my airbnb. The hou...
I’m on the market for a new gas dryer for my airbnb. The house sleeps 10.what models do you guys recommend? I understand some...
World Clean-up Day is an annual global social event aimed at combating the global solid waste problem in our natural environment. It was started by a group called “Let's do it” in Estonia in 2008 when 50,000 residents came together to clean up the entire country in five hours. Since then the movement has gathered momentum and has inspired millions of people around the world to get out and clean up the environment around them. The World Clean Up Day is now one of the biggest environmental events in the world.
This year World Clean up day falls on Saturday 16th of September. While this date does not work for everyone you may find a more suitable date for your event in the two weeks following this date. We are sharing a video of how our Host Advisory Board members are going to celebrate this day.
This post is co-authored by Host Advisory Board members Felicity from Australia and Jennifer from Canada. The article is written based on our own personal experiences and opinions as a sustainable Host. Learn more about the Host Advisory Board.
My commitment to picking up 500 golf balls is certainly underway. Stand by for pics of the finished lot.
Great inspiration all
Well... mission complete. My son Ethan and I collected up 535 balls in the woods and green space of the Golf Course near us.
Now we are going to sell them to guests and a good portion, if not all the funds will go to the Biosphere surrounding our community.
Over to you all for what you have done! Excited to see
Over and out from Canada🇨🇦💚🇨🇦
A quick graphic to put on the jar
Jar is in garage and honour system for the guests
Pick your own balls.. keeps the life of the Golf ball going beyond its resting place in the woods
Oh my God @Jennifer3225 !! This is so amazing!! Would you like to share more about how you were able to accomplish this mission and stay focused on the goal? This is so inspiring!
@Bhumika and @Felicity11
I think the keyis to accomplish your mission around something that is really fun and important to you. It was not work at all to go into the bush and collected golf balls. It was kinda like an easter egg hunt for golfers.
We sat around and talked as we cleaned up the balls and some of the best conversations happen with our children when we are doing mindless work.
So it was a win win.. I was in the forest, with one of my boys and doing my part for World Clean up day.
I know some of my Host Advisory Board friends have some really great ideas on how they will capture this event so stay tuned to what @Marielle135 gets up to.
Great event.. Great job @Airbnb
Great minds meet! I have just replied to felicity! Congrats to you too and all the people who get involved. As I say to my french group “être écolo c’est rigolo” meaning it can be fun to be sustainable (sounds better in french). As you said @Jennifer3225, it can be a win win situation and doesn’t have to be major, but each act counts in case of emergency, and definitely there is one!
working from home is great savings on energy but unfortunately we compensate the reality with virtual meetings, mails etc that do create pollution…
thanks for your great lead
@Marielle135 Bien dit! Well said! I love your approach to clean up data and lighten the cloud where so much heat is generated from storage. Interesting to hear that France puts this to good use, for heating in winter. Bravo👏
Way to go Soraya Postel
World Clean up Day 2023
Thank you Jennifer!! Your appreciation makes for more enthusiasm and commitment. ♥️
Airbnb makes us hosts better citizens while opening our doors to the world😊
Wow that is amazing! What a huge amount of golf balls!!
Thank goodness you picked up all those golf balls and they are not left behind to just sit on the lawn and break down slowly and fill the world with more plastic.
Such a good idea to see these get reused over and over again and see the money go to help the local enviroment and community!
Well done @Jennifer3225 and son Ethan. A great initiative towards a noble cause. Keep it up.
Thank you felicity for your involvement!
I am lucky enough not to be surrounded by rubbishes around here, and unfortunately it would take the time that I don’t have…
so I have opted for a slack but useful solution for the planet…
this year I have decided to clean up my datas: I am getting rid of emails that are obsolete or not useful, especially those containing pictures or videos knowing that they are stored in the cloud, in other words in mega storage hardwares, factories that produce lots of heat and need to be cooled down. In France they even reuse the heat they produce to warm up buildings in winter… (Tip : Data center heat reuse: How to make the most of excess heat)
do we really need to keep all these? I am even thinking of lightening the weight of my pics describing my listing, and avoiding pictures of my surroundings found on the net…
i know it is a drop in the sea… but it is one drop down…
I just had never thought of what the cloud looks like on the ground when you consider power and mega storage hardwares.
Incredible perspective for sure
@Marielle135 This is excellent! An amazing approach to cleaning up towards the global good, safeguarding our planet. Kudos.