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Hello Everyone,I am looking to replace the mattress in my airbnb i have had both positive and a not so good review from one ...
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I just had some guests who went through a crazy number of towels, and it got me wondering if I'm providing enough.
Per person, I'm leaving:
2 bath sheets - very large
2 hand towels
1 face cloth, with some extras left
1 bath mat - regular hotel style, not extra heavy/fluffy
There's also tons of towel bars and hooks in the bathroom to hang them up so they dry properly between uses. My Airbnb is a private self-catering apartment. Most of my stays are 1 to 3 days, but if they're staying longer, I change them out every 4 days.
How many towels do you leave your guests? What have you found works for you?
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I leave one set per person but have extra's in the closet. For longer stays people are able to use the laundery in our basement so they can wash as needed (I should say this is for an apartment rental with in our house). I've even had guest wash all their own sheets and towels and remake the beds before they checked out... got to love those kind of guests
@Suzanne302It made me wonder what these people do at home. Do they wash their towels after ever single use? I was kind of taken aback because this hasn't happened even with longer stays, and I've been hosting for a year. I thought I was leaving plenty.
@Alexandra316 Yeah, I'm not sure! I thought it was odd the first night they checked in, one of the girls asked if I had any extra towels and I indicated there were plenty under the sink.
Heck, I use my towel for at least a week before I wash it!
I have heard nightmares of people who are using towels to dye their hair, clean up spills, etc., but this is not the case in my situation, and I assume, not in yours either. Just lots of towel use! Maybe they took showers and used a towel for their body, a towel for their hair, and then used a towel to lay down on their pillow?? Who knows. Or maybe they think towels should be washed after every use? Strange.
In the grand scheme of things, this is minor to me. Puzzling, but minor. LOL! The things we learn about people by hosting on ABB!
Ohhhh for sure the funny little things. I too reuse my towels . the water bill the waste and it usually young females. I have even left a polite not about saving out environment !!!! But I would say most of my guests are wonderful so I will put up with these little things after all that's what hosting is about .Ive been doing this for 12 years. Yikes!!!
I appreciate your sense of humour suzanne302. Yep I have young women who go through every towel as though they are in a large hotel. It surprises me how every guest is sooo different. Some care about environment and energy some throw all caution to the wind . Ive begun to be able to gage most guest . Oh as a side not I supply black makeup facecloths for the ladies who love to wipe off their black eye make up . It has helped. I leave a little note Crazy funny little things. 😉
Two (2) per person for a 4-day stay.
@Alexandra, I leave the exact same configuration as you do. I don’t believe there is any reason to leave any more. Every single hotel I’ve ever been in has had a little sign asking guests to reduce their towel use by only replacing towels thrown in the bathtub. I think it's a common pratice everywhere to resuse a towel or two for a few days.
@Emilia42Right? I'm an Airbnb guest also, and I've stayed in some places for a week and not gone through more than 2 towels. I kind of feel like that's normal usage.
I’m a new host. My first guests arrive in July. 2 people for 8 days. How many towels etc. should I have for them? Plus are amenities like soap and shampoo also be provided. I’m excited!
Hi I usually have four to five guests. I probably overdue it. I supply 2 per person for a short stay more if its a week. although I provide a washer and dryer as well. I personally tend to provide extra and let my. guest know where the are .
I provide full shampoo and conditioner Good quality .Also hand dispenser soap wash on sinks. I go through a lot. I buy large quantities of good quality so I can refill. I think its very important to do this .Just me though. @Gordon275
If the combined towels and sheets overload the single load for the washer then it's too much 🙂
With lots of one night rentals I don't want to be doing 2 loads per day. Even with a gas dryer (I find a must have given the volume and frequency and cost saving vs electric) it can take 2 hours to wash and dry everything.
i have reduced to one large towel and wash cloth per person, with hand towel in bathroom. More are always at hand but not easily available unless asked for
In my self-catering unit I only ever have 2 guests. For 3-4 nights I leave a bath sheet (a proper big one) and a hand towel for each guest, plus a bathmat (the fluffy rubber backed non-slip type). For 5-7 nights I leave an extra set of towels in the boiler room cupboard (but a not bathmat). For 8-10 nights I leave a bathmat too. For more than that I leave an extra set of towels initially, then change out everything weekly, giving them 2 sets of towels and a bathmat. I live on site, so I always tell them to ask if they need more towels, but nobody has yet. I reckon people will just use them if they are handy in the bathroom, whether they really feel the need or not - fortunately there is nowhere in my listing's bathroom to store extra towels.
I can host a maximum of 2 people, and I put out one towel per person, plus some extra hand-towels on a rack in the bathroom. Most guests seem sensible about towel use, but just occasionally I get the odd shower fanatic who has a towel explosion. I've also had people stay 2-3 days without a single shower.
Thanks for everyone's responses: good to see what other people are doing. I think what I'm providing is okay, and this guest was just an outlier.
I think I'm going to do what a few people have suggested, though, and start offering some kind of makeup wipe, like a darker facecloth.
I have charged a deeply discounted rate to replace towels or sheets that were obviously negleced. To me its like stains or tears/breaks on the carpet or furniture. Some of it is wear and tear and I don't charge for that. But when it crosses a line to neglect, or an accident, I charge something.
Good morning. if 2 guests staying for 3 days or 4 days 3 towels each person.
6 towels total ..plus 6 of hand towels & 4 or 5 of smaller shower towels..
never complains....