Creating a cozy and inviting space doesn’t have to be expens...
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Creating a cozy and inviting space doesn’t have to be expensive. As a short-term rental host, I’ve learned that small, though...
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Hi everyone, How often do you wash the outer bedding such as bed spreads and the mattress pads? Also, I hate it when guests use the pillow shams to sleep on, or sleep on the sofa and use the sofa pillows instead of bed pillows. Any advice or suggested language to use at check in / in the guest guide book? Thanks! ~Mary
[Title updated by OCM to make it relevant to the post]
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Hi @Mary5588.
I am unsure of the economics of your needs to do same day turn around on a four bedroom property.
Personally, I found it too stressful and too hard.
It only takes a really messy or dirtier group to bring things undone. (It can be simply kids cracker crumbs everywhere, sticky fingers over furniture and glass doors and windows, dishes left dirty from early flight check outs etc.)
Or the rarity where a guest doesn’t check out on time.
Consider you settings in your booking calendar.
I have the luxury of buffering two days either side of a booking. Which in real terms can mean 24 hours.
This also allows me to be generous with a check out or check in time if arranged. I can always charge a bit extra for a much later checkout or check in due to flight arrival times.
But the bottom line is that the clean needs to be effective and efficient. I have a two bedroom homestay with two or three beds and possibly bed reformatting ( king to singles) and I wouldn’t go back to same day turnaround again.
Yes, I lose a day’s earnings, but I gain sanity and lose the stress. If I was feeling a bit unwell, or have an emergency, or need to touch up paint or fix something, I can still manage a turn around.
As my beds are all different sizes, King, queen, single longs when the king is split, I have all my bed linen separated in a labelled and locked press away from guests, and each tag is marked visibly with K, Q, SL etc. they are stacked /sorted according to size as well. I have labelled baskets /shelving for bathroom linens so I don’t place them in the wrong rooms.
Think and shop smart:
Consider fabrics, for ease of washing and drying that won’t need ironing.
I make beds tight and only need to iron pillowcases.
My runners if taken out of the dryer quickly don’t need ironing. Or they go on an outside line then can be freshened in a dryer.
Consider colours for visual ease of size or all plain/white colours etc that can go on all beds. I use all white bedding and use to match sets. I still try but am not fussed if I’ve had to throw out a fitted bottom sheet. Those odd ones can be spares. I like what beach use even though stains. Are visible, I can soak and use chlorine based products if necessary.
I iron my pillowcases on massé. These are white and plenty of them as greasy heads or makeup often need extra soaking. I iron in a session and for me place six to eight completely open on a skirt coat hanger with a small old face washer between the hanger clips and the pillowcases to avoid marking them.
I grab what coat hangers I need for the bed change over and that makes things easy. (But folding them is also okay. Wait till they have cooled down so the creases aren’t as strong..)
4. Bathroom and pool linen.
Don’t forget to duplicate your towels etc as well. For me, this includes pool towels. Make up, artificial tan etc all mean extra soaking if the guest is clueless.
label and storage:
But overall, stack and label categories so you or anyone else knows what to grab. You’ll need to consider your storage of the duplicate/s and if that is secured and locked on site or some spares for guests to access for accidents (children). A trolley or large plastic tub/s to carry fresh and to throw dirty into. Anyway, you will work it out…
Something I couldn’t do with same day turnarounds was anything that wasn’t a normal clean. What if you or your cleaner are unwell etc?
Same day turnarounds are good for small homestay rooms or spaces. However, for bigger spaces, they only work if all the balls you are juggling align… 🏉🎱🥎⚾️🏈🏀⚽️🎾
@Mary5588 According to the covid cleaning protocol that I believe still exists you should be washing these between every guest. I have never believed bed spreads are hygienic hence we use duvet with covers so everything the guest touches gets washed.
Completely agree.
Everything on the bed should have removably covers that are washed after each stay.
Covid protocol or not.
@Mary5588 I wash every piece of bedding used by a guest after each stay. Anything other than that is really unacceptable. Would you like to stay somewhere where the blankets or bedspread/duvet/comforter had been used by somebody else?
I use all cotton bedding, including blankets and bedspreads/duvets/comforter. All of these are machine washable. The comforter takes longest to wash and dry, and that's why I have other options if I don't have time to get that done. I use that mostly in the winter months.
As to the shams and couch pillows, it's probably best not to make yourself crazy over things you can't control. It can't be that hard to throw the shams in the washer too. All of my throw pillows and my couch pillow covers and cover are washable, so that's an easy solution.
It's probably best to simply invest in products that make things easy for you, as it's very hard to change guest behavior. Good luck. Kia
Hi @Mary5588 .
As @Kia272 & @Mike-And-Jane0 have stated, ALL the bedding every time.
I’ve deliberately got cotton blankets and fast drying coverlets and bed runners. I also have a minimum of duplicate supplies so I can turn around the space if they need extra soaking or scrubbing. This includes pillow protectors and complete sets of my two mattress protectors per bed. Using a bamboo waterproof mattress protector with a padded one on top, under the fitted sheet.
As for your scatter cushions etc, you also should have a duplicate supply of covers, to take them off and replace from stays. Quick washing ones that dry fast. If you get really stuck, you should be spraying with an aerosol disinfectant and or wiping down any other fabric surface with disinfectant.
Please, ALWAYS wash bedding, bedspreads etc and keep an eye out for any bed bugs. Anything else is unhygienic and as Kia states, not acceptable. 🌻
NB: This applies for your kitchen linen, towels and shower linens as well, INCLUDING if in situ, any shower curtains.
Thanks everyone @Kia272 @Mike-And-Jane0 @Cathie19 . Very helpful feedback. I guess I will need to purchase duplicates of everything because with a 4 bedroom house, there are not enough hours on the days I have to turn things over between 11:00 and 3:00. If anyone has tips on how you organize quick turnovers I would be grateful. Even with a skilled cleaning person at my side, that will be a challenge. I have my first one like that on July 1.
Hi @Mary5588.
I am unsure of the economics of your needs to do same day turn around on a four bedroom property.
Personally, I found it too stressful and too hard.
It only takes a really messy or dirtier group to bring things undone. (It can be simply kids cracker crumbs everywhere, sticky fingers over furniture and glass doors and windows, dishes left dirty from early flight check outs etc.)
Or the rarity where a guest doesn’t check out on time.
Consider you settings in your booking calendar.
I have the luxury of buffering two days either side of a booking. Which in real terms can mean 24 hours.
This also allows me to be generous with a check out or check in time if arranged. I can always charge a bit extra for a much later checkout or check in due to flight arrival times.
But the bottom line is that the clean needs to be effective and efficient. I have a two bedroom homestay with two or three beds and possibly bed reformatting ( king to singles) and I wouldn’t go back to same day turnaround again.
Yes, I lose a day’s earnings, but I gain sanity and lose the stress. If I was feeling a bit unwell, or have an emergency, or need to touch up paint or fix something, I can still manage a turn around.
As my beds are all different sizes, King, queen, single longs when the king is split, I have all my bed linen separated in a labelled and locked press away from guests, and each tag is marked visibly with K, Q, SL etc. they are stacked /sorted according to size as well. I have labelled baskets /shelving for bathroom linens so I don’t place them in the wrong rooms.
Think and shop smart:
Consider fabrics, for ease of washing and drying that won’t need ironing.
I make beds tight and only need to iron pillowcases.
My runners if taken out of the dryer quickly don’t need ironing. Or they go on an outside line then can be freshened in a dryer.
Consider colours for visual ease of size or all plain/white colours etc that can go on all beds. I use all white bedding and use to match sets. I still try but am not fussed if I’ve had to throw out a fitted bottom sheet. Those odd ones can be spares. I like what beach use even though stains. Are visible, I can soak and use chlorine based products if necessary.
I iron my pillowcases on massé. These are white and plenty of them as greasy heads or makeup often need extra soaking. I iron in a session and for me place six to eight completely open on a skirt coat hanger with a small old face washer between the hanger clips and the pillowcases to avoid marking them.
I grab what coat hangers I need for the bed change over and that makes things easy. (But folding them is also okay. Wait till they have cooled down so the creases aren’t as strong..)
4. Bathroom and pool linen.
Don’t forget to duplicate your towels etc as well. For me, this includes pool towels. Make up, artificial tan etc all mean extra soaking if the guest is clueless.
label and storage:
But overall, stack and label categories so you or anyone else knows what to grab. You’ll need to consider your storage of the duplicate/s and if that is secured and locked on site or some spares for guests to access for accidents (children). A trolley or large plastic tub/s to carry fresh and to throw dirty into. Anyway, you will work it out…
Something I couldn’t do with same day turnarounds was anything that wasn’t a normal clean. What if you or your cleaner are unwell etc?
Same day turnarounds are good for small homestay rooms or spaces. However, for bigger spaces, they only work if all the balls you are juggling align… 🏉🎱🥎⚾️🏈🏀⚽️🎾
Thank you Cathie. Those are some good suggestions. I am with you. I only have one situation like this and I think I will adjust my settings so it does not happen again.
I agree that’s wise @Mary5588. It’s not worth the hassle or the anxiety…
I have realised that if someone books at say 11.55pm on a Monday night for the Tuesday arrival, then that effectively is “one day” notice (as it occurred on the day before they book in. Many a host has got caught out by this, as someone could turn up for a check-in on the Tuesday, and the host may not have realised they have an instant booked booking coming that day, till they wake and may have to go to other employment.
So just remember that a single day is not necessarily 24 hours. That’s why I do two days in my settings, so it can allow me between 48 hours and 24hours + minutes.
Does that make sense?
NB: You can have in your booking settings that a guest can contact you if they don’t meet the notification time period allowance. So if you have checked someone out, and also cleaned, the space can be ready for another guest earlier.
I hope this helps… 🌻
@Cathie19 This is so detailed, thank you for sharing this! 😃
Yes, I lose a day’s earnings, but I gain sanity and lose the stress.
This part resonated with me so much. It's hard to put a monetary value to your own sanity and stress levels because, in my opinion, both of these are invaluable. Mental health is as important as physical health, so take good care of yourselves! ❤️
i do same day changeovers. I find if I have duplicates of everything and have them ready to go, I can blitz everything, I have 5 hours to get it all done. Stress free.
Then I have time to wash and fold during guests stay to prep for the next changeover. Have a few packages of spare sheets just in case.
Also bought black MAKEUP face cloths as I cannot get all the stains out of the white face cloths so I have a collection of ruined face cloths.
I find if I leave myself 24 hours between guests, I take my time and feel lazy. Haha.
@Mary5588 I bring fresh bedding for my airbnb and take it home to wash in large garbage bags between guests. I wash 1 set of bedding and all towels and scatter rugs while I am cleaning on site. I have switched to cotton coverlets on 2 out of 6 beds (we have 3 queen and 2 single beds). These are much quicker to change over and hang to dry after washing at home. This saves me countless hours on site. If I know someone is checking in late, I will do laundry on site and hang out on our dock and relax between. (It's lakefront).
I don’t wash 2-3 night stays but do wash week or longer.
I use Lysol for fabric and fabric refresher/air fluff setting on dryer for 2-3 night stays.
I wash all bedding between each guest. I have duplicates of everything to make turnovers easier. Yes, it’s a lot of laundry but I think it’s necessary. The blankets and coverlets get washed on cold with minimal detergent on a quick cycle since they don’t get too soiled. All sheets and towels are washed on a sanitize cycle.