How to move booking request to a different (better) listing?
We offer our custom home as a 3 bed/3 bath or 4 bed/4 bad by unlocking an additional bedroom suite. We have 2 listings to manage that. We have a booking request for the 3/3 and want to upgrade them to the 4/4 with our compliments (i.e. no addl cost).
If I accept their request, I don't think I can do a Change Reservation request and "move it."
I'm thinking there are 3 ways to go:
accept and leave it as a 3/3 officially. I don't love this. Our housekeeper won't know it's a 4/4 without special communication. Guests will review the wrong listing. But it's not horrible
Ask them to do a booking inquiry to the 4/4, send a special offer for the 4/4, have them cancel the 3/3 and accept special offer
@Gary890 Keep in mind that when you "change" the reservation from one listing to other that nothing is confirmed until the guest "accepts" the change on their end. I was in the process of doing this once when another guest swept in and confirmed the other listing (but of course I have instant booking turned on.) Whenever I "upgrade" a guest from one listing to another, I ask first if they are okay with it (I don't want them to think I am scamming them) and then I tell them to please quickly accept the change so that it doesn't sit in limbo until the next time the guest feels like getting back to me.
Wanted to say a quick thank you again--this has solved a problem for our guests and us when for one reason or another we want to migrate them to the other listing. Here it comes... wait for it... Thank you!