I would love to hear you experiences
I would love to hear you experiences
Hello, fellow plant lovers 🍃❤️
I just love having plants all around my house. Orchids in my office, Peace Lily in my living room, even a Senecio plant in my kitchen. It's just so relaxing and makes my home feel alive 🌿.
But, let's be honest, keeping them healthy and looking good can be hard work. That got me thinking, maybe some of us prefer to have fake plants that still make our homes look nice but require no maintenance.
So, what do you think? Do you like caring for real plants or do you prefer hassle free with fake plants? And if you have a favorite plant (fake or real), would you mind sharing a picture?
Can't wait to read your thoughts.
Paula 🌴
Hello everyone,
I prefer real plants but it is very difficult to get by the house to take proper care of them.
IKEA or a craft place can have some nice fake plants. One should make sure the housekeeping makes sure no dust is on the leaves. Many plants only need water 1x/week if not in an overly sunny or dry place. There are also some self watering containers you can stick in the pot and it can take care of the plant for you (I haven’t used them but some swear by them - check out Amazon or a local nursery for suggestions).
Snake plants have a long watering time between waterings, cactus also have low maintenance. Air plants should be near the sink or bathrooms to catch moisture in the air. They do best if spritzed every few days (depends on your climate if in a warm dry area you may need to do it daily). Bamboos are low maintenance as they just need water in their gravel filled pot) that should be easy to for housekeeping to do (whether it’s you or a cleaning crew).
prefer real but it's hard to keep up with the maintenance. trying to find realistic looking plants. suggestions?
Hey@Anthony1828, thanks for sharing this with us 😊 @Vilmaris0 in this thread has given us some ideas of great fake plants. Take a look and let us know what you think.
I love real plants, but I can see why fake plants are preferable for an air bnb. But yeah, dusty is bad. I like the succulent suggestion.
I do real plants inside and out. I have a lot of very short stays, so I can tend the plants and make sure they stay watered. I have several pothos plants because they are easy to take care of!
Hello @Heidi766 , I totally agree with you that pothos plants are the best! They're super low-maintenance and always look great. If you'd like, please feel free to share some pictures of your pothos plants. We'd love to see them!
Real plants. I mainly DON'T live in my airbnb's but have real plants there. Have the cleaners water weekly and they do fine.
Agree with other responses that fake plants in the airbnb's that I've often stayed in (and hotels) are usually very dusty and just subtract from the space.
Plants are live and adding life to the space is paramount to setting mood.
Good question! Plants on both table and in corner
Real plants! I only have a peace lily and an African violet in the suite but outside I have a pot of red and geraniums, hosta plant with ferns, and a hanging flower basket.my space has tons of plants.
@Paula @Lorina14 @Nicholas439 @Heidi766 @Kelly1949 and others, Only real living plants and flowers for me, they are generally easy to care for, a bonus for the bees and butterflies and bring greater joy than plastic fake ones.
There's great easy care Maidenhair ferns that are perfect for Bathroom areas and used to be very much in Vogue back in the day, other areas of the home either inside or outside are personal preference.
At my other place I had a fabulous Swan Plant full of pretty flowers with early morning dewdrops on in the Springtime, and laden with Monarch caterpillars, then chrysalis and the gorgeous Monarchs when they had gone through Metamorphosis.
My guests all loved it and so did I.
Easy to care for and a great natural asset in one's garden and listing.
Try plant one, you will enjoy it
I love gardening! But I keep only one fake plant in the living room. All the real ones ain't the garden.
There is so much worth having specific plants that will enhance our well being, and add nature to our stay. So Real ones please 😉
I like real plants, however, it’s hard for me to keep them nice at my place because I don’t have good sunlight.
I have been lucky this year, I have 4 plants that are still alive 😅🍀
We prefer real plants. Calgary has a dry climate and plants can help with humidity levels. We get good sunlight too so 'real' works well. If our guests stay more than a week we kindly ask them to water the plants. They never have a problem with that.