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Hello everyone!
There is nothing more refreshing than a shower after a long journey, or more relaxing than a hot bath and a glass of wine after a busy day.
Everyone has their own preference over whether they are a bath person, a shower person, or maybe both! It’s definitely something that guests will look for in a listing.
I’d love to know whether you have a bath, a shower, or both in your listing! Do you have a preference? What made you decide to go for one over the other?
Please let us know about what you offer in your listing, and even how it measures up against your personal preferences! Perhaps you’ve got something a little different, like an outdoor shower?
I’m looking forward to reading your comments about what bathing amenities you offer for your guests.
@Jenny we would have had a shower if it could have been made to work but went with a shower over the bath for reasons of the plumbing (and a big oak beam being in the way). I think showers are more hygienic than baths for folks sharing an apartment and whilst I love baths even I would be willing to shower for a short term rental.
Definitely! I think a decent shower can take away the slight disappointment of no bath. My own shower has quite poor water pressure so going away somewhere with good water pressure is a treat!
We only have showers here. I don't know a single person in my city that has a tub in their house.
We had both a tub and a shower, but since we live there part of the time, my husband insisted when we remodeled the bathroom that we convert the tub into a full shower. I objected, but he won that battle.
I notified my upcoming guests of the change. One cancelled because he had specifically booked with me because of being able to bathe his infant in the tub. Other than that, I haven’t noticed any difference in my booking rate.
My cleaner also told me that in her experience, most of the condos on our island do not have tubs. It would probably be prudent for those considering removing a tub to check out other listings to see if others provide the amenity.
In Thailand, Thai people only use showers, in my villas we only have showers,
In my condo we have a bath tub but it's on the balcony dont laugh,
I dont think many people use it,
Wow @Sudsrung0 this is my idea of heaven - an outdoor bath! Is there a reason that baths aren't common in Thailand e.g. with it being such a lovely warm place, I'm wondering if regular showers are more refreshing?
It may have something to do with all the foreigners coming to Thailand building houses and villas and making nice bathrooms with a bath years ago maybe not available we never had when we was kids and I didn't know anyone.
In many rural areas of Thailand the shower would be outside, they dont build bathrooms only toilets,
Thai people dont use hot water, cold water after a hot day, we say cold water is better for your skin.
There's a thing, washing machines in Thailand are designed for cold water, they only have one tap at the back. so the detergent is also designed for cold water.
Who's laughing?
It's not funny. It's stunning.
It's true, not many people seem to use the bath, but it still impresses them.
we have both. when i was first doing my research there was some belief that a bathtub was a highly prized amenity, and yet not that many guests actually use them. In our more luxe listing when we did the reno we opted to take out the cheap little tub and put in an oversize shower. There wasn't enough space to put in a luxurious tub + shower, which was a shame.
In our next 2 "luxe" listings we are going to put in tubs. One will be a feature of the space, a large 2 person tub overlooking the gardens. In the second space, called The Stockmans, it will have a cowboy vibe and i wanted to do 2 jacknjill tubs, in galvanised metal, very rustic, but the plumbing won't work for that, so I have shelved the idea and will consider doing this out in a paddock instead for some nudie under the stars bathing. I suggested the idea of a steam room instead of a tub (you can get them integrated into the shower space) but hubby has this fantasy we might retire to live in this smaller unit so he wanted a bath.. of course we are still in the early construction phase and i might get my way yet.
One of the bigger issues with having an oversize tub is that guests drain the hot water system, and then ask what happened to all the water. "we only took a shower and then filled the bathtub" 🤪
in 2 of our listings all the showers have both the overhead rainfall as well as the adjustable/handheld shower head.
I was just saying to @Sudsrung0 that I love an outdoor bath - not very common here in Scotland due to the weather. An old friend has a lovely tin bath outside on his farmland, I've always been so envious of it. I can't wait to see photos of your new listings when they're ready!
I am definitely a bath person, there is nothing I enjoy more than a bit of me time in the tub with a glass of wine, bubbles and a book. So I always try and book somewhere that has this option when I get a chance to have a holiday.
That being the case we have a bath in our cottage with a overhead rainfall shower and a handheld shower.
For our huts we had to think about that as although I prefer baths, I know that most probably prefer showers. My dream was a roll top bath with a large shower overhead but realistically the cleaning would have been a nightmare, so we opted for a shower but I wanted to find something a bit special with a wow factor. After weeks of researching, I found a twin shower unit that converted into a steam room. Thankfully our guests all love it and it just adds something a little bit out of the ordinary.
I've just checked out your listings, @Ruth413! They are gorgeous. I can see the wow factor with the shower in your hut, it's so cool!