Small shower that often gets mold

Level 10
Chicago, IL

Small shower that often gets mold

One of my showers is very small and therefore gets nontoxic mold all the time. We bleach the seams at every cleaning, but it is still not pristine. I recaulk frequently, but it goes right back to the same state.

I normally combat complaints about the quirks at my house by putting warnings in the listing. Many complaints have stopped ever since I put it down in my listing that it’s an old Victorian home and the price is based on location, not amenities. Those were magic words. In this case, however, I don’t want to put in my listing that the shower has mold.

any recommendations on how to set guests expectations and or keep it free of mold?

5 Replies 5
Level 10
Placencia, Belize

Re-grout and use a strong cement sealant so the mold can't start in the first place.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Inna22 ,


What did you do in the end? 


Did you eventually go with Fred's suggestion or added a few quirks to your listing to set the guest expectations regarding this?



Please follow the Community Guidelines

@Bhumika regrouting is a temporary fix. I was hoping someone else would come along with a suggestion. Ever since the board has been revamped there are barely any comments. Not sure if that’s a coincidence 

Level 10
Swannanoa, NC

@Inna22  If you are getting mold on a regular basis, there is an underlying issue -- you may want to consider having the shower retiled.


We have a 1937 cabin that had a mold issue in a part of the kitchen.  We ripped out the flooring and discovered a leaking pipe -- repaired it and voila, no more mold.  I suspect that this may be an issue in your shower.  Otherwise, you may want to consider installing a ceiling fan that goes on every time that the light goes on, i.e., while the bathroom is in use.  A PITA I know, but possibly helpful.

@Lorna170 we know the cause. It’s a tiny space that does not get ventilated. And yes, I thought about a fan. The problem is that it needs to be vented out somewhere so it might be a major construction project. My handyman was going to come out to take a look. Thank you for reminding me to check with him.