I’m on the market for a new gas dryer for my airbnb. The hou...
I’m on the market for a new gas dryer for my airbnb. The house sleeps 10.what models do you guys recommend? I understand some...
There is the famous sparkling clean thing, but when the guests leave it rivals an pigsty...
From now on we offer reasonable clean.
@Erich15 You mean because guests leave it a mess, you aren't going to do a thorough cleaning? Or are you being sarcastic? How do you know ahead of time how the guests are going to leave it?
My experience is that the majority of guests are maybe to exhausted from traveling to carry used tissue 2 meters to the dustbin (worse on the outsides) so most things land on the floor.
Not really an issue right now given we are not allowed to only take vaccinated guests so we closed down for now.
@Erich15 Sorry to hear you get so many slovenly guests. Unfortunately cleaning up after slobs is part and parcel of hosting. I have experienced the opposite- my guests have all left their room and bathroom quite clean and tidy, except for one young woman- I had to put on rubber gloves to pick up the 50 pieces of wadded up tisssue she left under the bed, not to mention all the cookie and candy wrappers and beer and pop cans left around with a few inches of liquid left in them, attracting ants and cockroaches.
Always gloves on. I made the mistake early on in hosting to sort the rubbish from the recycling from a wastepaper basket in the guest bedroom and touched something I would really, really rather not have. Since then, gloves on for everything and that's even without COVID!
As for rubbish on the floor, it always astounds me that some people don't seem to know what a bin is for and just throw their trash on the ground, but since I started hosting, I've realised this is far more common than I could have imagined. It's also weird how many dirty unmatched socks people seem to leave scattered around the room when they check out.
@Erich15 The vast majority of our guests leave the place neat and tidy. Many such that you wouldn't have known they were there. Of course when we have one that doesn't empty the bins we get irritated!
I wonder why your guest demographic is so different.
@Erich15 Now I am confused. For fun I looked at the last 7 or 8 reviews you have left and all were positive with only one complaint that it was a 3rd party booking but even then you said the people were friendly and left the place clean.
So either you only leave positive reviews which does your fellow hosts a disservice or you are exaggerating that the majority of guests leave most things on the floor.
Leaving negative comments in this day and age is economical suicide.
@Erich15 ??? Plenty of successful hosts who stay well booked have no issue with leaving honest reviews, even if they have to be negative.
because we are living in times where you can end in front of an judge for giving an total honest review.
It only takes one person who goes ballistic over a bad review to cause problems. Imagine if you were one of the hosts of that guy who keeps reposting his diatribe because someone said he had 'odd requests'...I would hate to think what kind of actions/communications he is directing toward that particular host. Guests have and do threaten hosts, make false claims [after the fact and after the reviews], which can cause real issues for a host.
While I never give great/glowing reviews to bad guests, and have never and will never recommend or say I would welcome back a bad guest, we definitely err on the side of neutrality. I also only would review a guest who doesn't give a review if they were really, truly terrible and a menace to the community, otherwise, I leave it alone. The world and the rules have gotten a bit too strange for complete honestly.