What to do with stained sheets?

Level 1
Málaga, Spain

What to do with stained sheets?

Sheets are a big problem! i've bought several sheet sets, a few white (big mistake) then I went dark and still have problems. 


My guests and i'm sure it's women are getting some oil like stains on the sheets which I believe must be a cream or a oil based makeup remover. And oil doesn't wash out. 


So i've just found a new stain hours before someone is about to arrive. So I have no choice but to use the stained sheet. Which is 100% clean. But they're not going to know that and they'll think i'm dirty.  When you see a wet looking spot on a sheet, you automaticallly think it's a sex stain and dirty/gross. 


what can I do? I can't buy new sheets per customer. The oil base refuses to come out no matter what I do... wash... use. it's stuck on. 

Is it gross that I have to use the stained sheets?


thank you!



24 Replies 24
Level 10
Kraków, Poland

@Jennifer630 Try stain removers - they do most of stuff. Impossible to remove are: black makeup stuff, some lipstick, wax, blood, red wine. Of course it's only of the stuff guests might leave on a regular basis. 

// "The only person you can trust is yourself"
Level 10
Coupeville, WA

I'm feeling your pain as I'm throwin out a set of high quality sheets, just today.  I've tried EVERYTHING on these sheets and whilst I've gotten the stains lighter and smaller, I simply cannot get them clean looking.  

I do find that for oily/greasy stains - dish soap  and hot water is my best friend.  I've saved a lot of garments over the years with dish soap.  Worth trying?

Level 10
Calgary, Canada

I've had that happen before, and what I've done is put the stained end at the foot of the bed, where it's less likely to be noticed. Not ideal, and I don't like doing it, but sometimes you just don't have time to run out at the last minute to buy new sheets. Soon, I think I'm going to buy a couple backup sets, just in case. 


I've only been airbnbing for a few months. And this is the 4th set of sheets. it's the women and their oily creams. I can't afford to buy new sheets everytime this happens.  Sheets cost about 25 euros... unless i up my room mate, i'm gonna have to start using stained sheets. I need a super sonic washing machine. he he



Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hello @Jennifer630


I have never had this into two years of hosting, so I am wondering what is going on with your guests.


Is it suncream or similar?


Of course you should always have more than one set of sheets, so if one gets stained you have a couple of spares.


I use 100% white cotton sheets and stains always come out with either a whitener or specific stain remover.


What are you using to remove the stains?

2. "I will remove all makeup before bed. I understand my mascara and foundation will permanently stain the sheets. "I know that eating Thai food on towels or any other linens will result in a permanent stain." There will a $50 charge for sheets and $14 for towels if you ruin a set of sheets from either of these. I have been able to get all other stains out so far but these two.

Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Jennifer630 Perception of cleanliness is everything.  Stained sheets will never be perceived as clean.  Would you accept stained sheets at a hotel?  However, if a guest causes a stain that you are unable to remove, whether on sheets or towels or upholstry, you can make a claim on the security deposit.  Do you have a security deposit?


I use only white sheets because many stain removal products only make dark colored sheets look worse.  If your guests tend to use oily skin products such as tanning lotions, it might be a good idea to leave a note on the bed about the stain potential.  Also, boiling water directly on the stain really works wonders.


I have a problem with make up staining my towels.  I provide make up removing pads and I haven't had the staining lately.


Also, you might consider purchasing less expensive sheets.  Hotels often use only flat sheets for both the top and bottom so that a whole set is not ruined if one sheet is stained.  



Level 10
Austin, TX

@Jennifer630 yes, to answer your question, it is gross to use stained sheets


as to all the rest, I concur: try getting creative with stain removers, buy less expensive sheets, charge guests when you can prove that they have damaged perfectly good linens

Level 2
Santa Rosa, CA

I am also having a hard time with stains on expensive white sheets. I don't llike to use colored sheets because I had to sleep on some as a guest of a bnb, and I was grossed out! I certainly wouldn't use anything flanel sheets even white.... It just isn't right! I use white because everyone can tell when they are clean.


@Roger-and-Claudia0   I can certainly understand being grossed out by stained sheets, but grossed out by colored sheets? To each his own, but that's a strange thing to be grossed out by, in my opinion. Many hosts use colored or patterened sheets, it's a decor decision.

I guess I didn't express myself very well there. It wasn't so much the colored sheets but the overall experience with the bed, the stains, and the way it was(n't) made. 

I understand what you say about "to each his own" and "decor decisions". I just meant that it is my preference to use white and would be to find white if I have to sleep in it.

Sorry for the miscomunication. 

Level 2
Santa Rosa, CA

Additionally... forgot to add to last post ... what do you do if the stains came from a good guest who's been staying with you for moths ar a time?


You chalk it up as a price of doing business and forget it.  Not worth being petty over something minor. 

Level 3
Winnipeg, Canada

I realize this is an old thread, but I keep finding myself back on forums, because of stained sheets.  Oh man.  I've been a host for about a year now.  I have chosen white for all of my listings.  I have multiple sets and some pieces end up getting thrown out, but I always keep a back up set of pillow cases and fitted sheet.  My sets are not all the same, but they are all white.  Pillow cases are always matching (the  same size set), but if I throw out a fitted sheet, I will just replace that piece with another of whatever is white and ok quality.  

I actually set myself up a little stain removal area next to the sink.  Makeup is my biggest frustration.  Mascara all over pillow cases.  foundation and other oils creams and stuff.  so frustrating!  other than scrubbing it with water and dishsoap (works sometimes), it is a gonner.  I thought it would be blood, but blood is actually a lot easier to deal with.  I have a spray bottle of peroxide.  I just spray is well.  Let it do its thing for a while and repeat until its gone.  Can be time consuming, but at least i'm not wasting as many sheets.