Where to see listing views

Where to see listing views

I used to check my listing views obsessively, but haven't done so in probably over a year.  I simply cannot find any way to look at listing view data anymore.

There used to be a chart where you could pretty much see how many views any listing had, on any given day.

Is the option completely gone, or am I just having trouble adapting to Airbnb's constantly changing menu scheme?

10 Replies 10
Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom



It's still there!


Dashboard>Performance>Conversion>Views - shows new format


or even easier:


Under Good morning/afternoon/evening XXX

is: - Booked earnings for July

       Overall rating

       30 day bookings

       30 day VIEWS - which shows old format





Thanks Helen.  The first view is not very useful, but the old format is exactly what I was looking for.

@Helen350  I just tried to access the old format and it seems like it is no longer there.  It leads to the new format.  Do you know if it is still possible to access the old format somehow?  I really want to see viewcount for every single day.

Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

@Christopher187 Yes, I noticed the same... - Don't know! - You'd have to guess the URL if it's there, like some of us do to find other old hidden pages! - Maybe!

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Christopher187 @Helen350 

Try this one - it works for me. Let me know if it works for you



Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

@Mike-And-Jane0 Ah yes, that's it! - Did you find by remembering/bookmarking the URL, or are there links to it from home/dashboard? And is it the "old" visibility page?


@Mike-And-Jane0 @Helen350 

Yup, worked for me (except I needed to remove the "uk" part).



Edit: actually, it only seems to show aggregate views for particular booking dates for all of my listings.  What I would like to do is see how many views particular listings are getting on particular days.  It doesn't seem to display that anymore.

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Helen350 Someone else on the forum said to try it so I did and it worked. No idea how the same link can work for both of us but hey ho.

Level 1
Las Vegas, NV

No longer works. 

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands